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Post by Winterhawk99 »


Not so long ago

*Zor was sitting on a rock over looking Lapis Port thinking to himself ....
They ask me about the tatoos on my face .They ask me what I am doing here .They ask me about what i want in the future and what God I worship . They ask to many questions * he chuckles to himself,a low not so pleasant sound*
I tell them the markings on my face were there as long as I can remember and i know not why .Well in part thats true.They have been there as long as i can remember but i do know why they are there .I was born dark the shaman said , a tainted soul .Part of a darkness that has nothing to do with night .Oh my parents werent evil .. just poor ..so they promised me away to the dark, before i was born. *grins *I should've been more greatful to them.The shaman marked my face to let everyone know that i was, hmm not someone you would want at your dinner table.
.. Oh i wasn't put out of the village I was kept in the temple .Told by the shaman how evil I was ,how unworthy i was,how I should beg for help... he knew wouldnt come .So I did .. Except I didnt ask whom he wished I had asked *grins* no I asked the one that whispered to me. The one that played games with me and showed me things I could have when I grew .. and I grew stronger ..
..One day the shaman came to beat the evil from me as he did every day and just before he came in the door the whisper told me it was time . The door opened and I welcomed the shaman in ,which suprised him I think.The next part certainly did .. He raised his hand and I raised mine.. the look of fear on his face was priceless .The look of death that followed was even better * laughs * I left him on the cot in my room all snug ..I left his head at the door out front beside the blade i took from the kitchen .That way he could see i had finished cleaning the doorstep as he had asked * again he laughs*


..I found my parents that morning .They werent happy to see me .. I killed them .. It was quick I owed them that much .
.. I traveled ..I fought in wars ..I take what I need .. or want ..they all die equally as well ..
..Why am I in Lapis Port .. simple really .I watch people .. I find who is born dark ..I follow the whisper ..He and I still play games ..* smiles*
..My hopes ? My dreams? ........Power ......What else is there ..
..Lapis Port .. oh my my .. to borrow a saying I heard once.. you've never seen bad yet ..but its coming ..
..* a loud dark laugh echos thru the night ..a child squirms a bit in his sleep hearing it .. a dog whines else where ..an old paladan shudders for no reason *
.. oh yes Lapis Port .. you havent seen anything yet ..

..oh my plans are coming together so nicely .. slightly better then the last time i might add when i got those two families to kill each other * laughs* a few well places lies a few well placed daggers and there you have it ...
.. i have begun by killing the xvarts and placing flags and helms of the radiant sword in the caves.Oh i let a few get away to tell others that I , a paladan of the radiant sword * laughs* have been sent to wipe them out and that surely more will come .I have even started to paint the icon of the sword in blood for them to find ...*grins*..
... soon I move north .. and shall plant more seeds as i go .. the temple and the radiant sword wanting to wipe out everything that doesnt agree with them and the way they live .. oh this is rich * laughs hard* why its even evil for me.. lord cyric will be pleased .. oh yes when they band together the sword and the temple wont know whats coming .. and the rivers will run with blood .. * laughs ever harder * oh my , isnt this fun ....* zor wipes the blood of another xvart on the grass outside Lapis Port bridge *..isnt this fun indeed ...

A whisper on the wind *laughs* at first I thought it my lord but no .. A calling of the dark oh yesss but not Cyric . A little thing she wished help in some matters, best left in the dark *grins * Of course I answered . I always answer to dark things,when it suits me or I am bored * roars with laughter .. First a matter of stealth ? HA thats like asking me to babysit their children *grins* not what I am built for ...but the others did well and got what we needed . We met the drunk, good old Uncle Paul, *laughs* and exchanged what was to be exchanged ...Then a small murder about half size * laughs* OF course I think I am pure genius limping into the temple that way and that silly halfing drawing on me as he did . The clerics would've killed us ,but hear i was all wounded.I came to them for help and was attacked for no reason .*sigh* So of course my good friends had to help poor poor weak me * slow grin* I wonder if I should've made them apologize for allowing me to be attacked in their temple *grins* wouldnt that have been good . Beg for my forgiveness after we murdered their friend * laughs till he cries * Wouldn't my parents be proud howI turned out .Perhaps I should dig them up one day and ask what they think of their little boy now * laughs harder* Maybe the clerics will help me do just that one day ..........* his thoughts trail off as he sits in the dark under the docks .
*zor stands on a hill over looking the farmlands thinking to himself*
Look at the tin soldiers walking back and forth much like the ants that appear *he grins under his helm* .Stupid as they are they do have value in that the people appear to believe they are safe . What silly creatures folks living here are ,unlike big cities . These rest well in their little beds knowing that the big bads of the world surely are elsewhere because our strong men of metal are out trudging thru cow plops ever so vigilant * he laughs loudly startling himself * ohh must not do that cant let on im watching them .
* zor walks into the house looking around after breaking the lock*
I havent heard cyric .Hs he abandoned me I wonder .
Surely he hasnt ,perhaps he just has his attention on that alastair . The rumors I hear of that one are bothersome .He is going "good" or "soft" * zor grips his sword tighter* they have to be wrong .Alastair wouldnt double cross our god again ! Not again * with that the rage bubbles to the surface and zors face takes on a deadly calm look but his eyes ...the rage is all there * He would not do it again ... * with that zor leaves the house and heads back north to the house of ill repute there this time to kill all within... The thought makes him grin * Perhaps I shall take the ladies some flowers ... * he laughs loudly ...and he picks up his pace *

** as Zor runs north he is suddenly surounded by an odd light and he wakes up ...
on Harvest Moon ..**

* Zor looks around as he catches himself falling *

"What is this ? What manner of magic is this ? Cyric? "

Story Written by Angelhawk
CTP team member
Chief cook and bottle washer for Harvest Moon

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