PC Properties Creature Skin Item
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PC Properties Creature Skin Item

Post by Pstemarie »

[quote]Why does my character get the PC Properties Creature Skin Item even though he already has the Mount Actions, Paladin add-in feats, and/or the ACP Fighting Style Menu?
[/quote]This "issue" is caused by int GetSkinInt which is called by the default BioWare OnClientEnter module event x3_mod_def_enter.nss. The function is called from x3_inc_skin.nss which references the support object SKIN_SupportGetSkin.

SKIN_SupportGetSkin is designed "To return the skin object and if need be create it." The skin created by this object is empty by default. If any of the above referenced feats are missing then they are added as item properties to the PC Properties Skin.

It is recommended to not alter this method of implementation as other subsystems of patch 1.69 may be affected.
