CEP content
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CEP content

Post by Winterhawk99 »

It seems that the CEP team wants to put some of my content in their next series of haks. I was first a bit reluctant about it. I had to give it a lot of thought but being that everything is pretty old (2012 or older) I figured what the hell as long as they acknowledge the work.

It does bring back many memories both good and bad. Mostly good. There was a time when the CEP team blew up the world of NWN and its custom content makers because they were stripping tilesets and other people's works without acknowledgement and basically just taking what they want. They were slanting the user agreement and being very callus about it.

Many of my own friends left the community over it. I hope that doesn't happen again. My contact Proleric was very nice and the first thing he mentioned was the CEP would make sure my name would be on the placeable description or mentioned in the comments if my tiles were used.

Seems they changed quite a bit. I respect that.
CTP team member
Chief cook and bottle washer for Harvest Moon

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