Children of Hell Separation Book II
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Children of Hell Separation Book II

Post by Winterhawk99 »

I have finally after two years have written and edited Book two of the children of Hell trilogy. I give you Children of Hell Separation. Again the book is completely free to download.

I hope everyone likes it as much as the first book. It's very different and more for adults. I would say 18 and over instead of 16 and over for the first. There's no gratuitous sex however this book as a lot of rouge mercenaries in it, plenty of cruelty and some adult subjects.

Hope everyone enjoys the book. This one took over 2 years where the first only took 13 months. I hope everyone likes it as much as the first.

thank you for reading

Here are two links to get you there: ... 43E05A0B40

second link:!AkALWuBD7wYDgdZY5EveryF2YYkPaw
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