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Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 3:41 am
by Winterhawk99
Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil


This book is a guide to Sigils Factions. There are other guides, but they are simply gloss overs. This short tome covers their philosophy, duties and has much more detail than what you can find in Sigil itself. Most of this book is spoken by the factions themselves in their lectures to me. I will not put any opinions or biases in this version of the book. In this way I keep the faction's thoughts and philosophies pure so there will be different authors to each chapter. Sometimes multiple authors.

I am only chronicling what they have told me.

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 3:44 am
by Winterhawk99
The Doomguard

By Katya and Nullus

Approximately 5 hundred years before Hashkar became a Factol there were about 50 factions. During this time the guilds ran most of the city and the factions were political heads. Many of the things one faction did were run by another. The Doomguard was once known for policing and enforcing the law in the city. A job now handled by the Harmonium. As you can tell, this caused a lot of conflict across both factions.

With all the chaotic fighting amongst the factions She passed a decree stating that there should only be 15 factions among the city. Sources state that she gave them a fortnight to organize themselves before she takes action. Some factions merged together to form what they are today. An example of this is the Mercyberks and the Sodkillers. They merged to become the Mercykillers. Other factions were wiped out entirely: Their names lost to history.

During the infighting the Harmonium attempted to destroy the Doomguard entirely to become the enforcers of the city. This lead the Doomguard to barricade themselves in the armory unable to be touched for months. Ultimately this forced the other Factols to come together to form a truce. The harmonium would be the enforcers while the Doomguard would work with the armory and supplying weapons to necessary factions and the city defenses. Therefore, making several factions one from the few to survive. The approximate total of those lost during what is now known as the great upheaval is 17,000.

One of the many comments I receive is that the Doomguard seems ominous or scary. Many of these opinions are based upon the name, or that we are painted with a broad brush as mindless destructive monsters. There are the indeps that often debate whether they are a faction or not. The 13 acknowledged factions are those who have seats in the Hall of Speakers.

The Doomguard have the duty of protecting entropy from those who would try to stop or reverse it. How would you stop the inevitable or try to reverse it one may ask. One way people try to stop it is through seeking immortality. Those who seek immortality inadvertently bring entropy to those it would not yet affect.
Imagine if you would, a stream. This stream is entropy. As with all things, it has a beginning and an end. Now imagine an individual damming up this stream causing entropy to stop flowing to its intended end. The banks would overflow and flood the settlements near its banks. The same can be said when a person achieves immortality through vampirism, and lichdom. Vampires feed on their neighbors, bringing their end too soon. Liches add to their undead hordes in a similar fashion.

Many times, those who achieve immortality achieve it with a heavy cost that someone else or many people, have to pay. Entropy is not merely a said and done thing. Some Doomguard believe that entropy is happening too slow and attempt to speed it up in various forms. Some study its natural state. The slow effect it has on time if you will, and others…. Yet try to slow it down. Each is passionate about their view, but they all agree it should never be stopped or reversed.

Ultimately every Sinker will have to decide which path calls to them. And how it calls to them. I am a Satist. I focus on studying entropy. I study how the natural effects of storms and cataclysms play part of the verse and how entropy affects them.
There is also an Accelerationism path. Accelerationist calls for fighting, working the forges and using materials. Using explosives……. Legally.

At this point Doomguard Nullus steps in.

Many of you call it destruction. I call it the birth of power. When the weak crumble the strong ascend through conflict. Though the great machine of war are we all tested in our worth. Testing our strength. Conflict is the purest truth. Even the gods bow before the chaos of strife Who are we to defy it. Pain… pain is the only honest currency. It is the weight of existence, and I have spent it freely.

After this Katya continues.

There is also a decelerationist viewpoint within the Doomguard. Each of us Doomguard gain something different from our studies of entropy, but all agree that entropy is inevitable.

The doomguard have four citadels. Each one on a different quasi elemental plane bordering the negative energy plane. Each is run by a greater Doomlord much like Nullus. They include:

Citadel Seal on the plane of salt.
Citadel Allusious on the plane of Dust.
Citadel Exhalus on the plane of Vacuum
The Crumbling citadel on the plane of ash
The crumbling citadel is a replacement citadel for the one that the Doomguard lost to the lich Vecna. It is still an important part of our history.

Katya reads a letter from Deceleationist Aelfread:

The verse is a place of many wonders beyond our explanation. We may contemplate the mysteries of existence around us only to be drawn back to the observable point that all existence is that of change. A passage of time, the spinning of the cage. The ebb and flow of happenings. Change is the motivating force of the verse. It is the progress of one state to another. Threat progression is what allows the awareness to view the production of the results which is the finality of entropy. Entropy is our ever-present companion. The one that waits for us all. We are beholden to its finality, but we are not shackled nor oppressed by it. It is our guide and our ally.

All that entropy grants us is not ground that we might rush towards it through we shall meet entropy in all due time. Yet that time is not brought closer before one has had their time to understand its purpose.

That was the end of the lecture.

I asked a single question to Katya when she went over vampires and lichs. I asked her about Baelnorns. Many others chimed in, but I wanted to hear her answer. She did not have one for that particular situation.

Added Oration from Aelfread:

Deccelerationism is the focus of the mulituniverse’s story so to speak. We know all the tales end, all songs close, all lives ebb. Entropy is that motive foce that drives this, but it is important that we learn the moral of our story that we see it to its conclusion so that we may close our eyes and embrace the rest of entropy at the end of a good story.

It’s about making sure the story has completed its arcs. We slow things down here and there to make entropy have the full picture when the verse comes to it to finish all the acts of the play before the curtain call. To know that all is at the right pace.

Sinkers are hardy destroyers at all, the good doomlord here Katyaoften has me scampering about the lower and hive ward just fixing things here and there. Bleakers are terrible at maintances of their gatehouse. I had to fix the roof multiple times now. Terrible outlook on life, how can one be so depressed when there is wonder of the world, all of the ephemeral and ever changing, to see the very motive force of the verse working around you. The very aura of the verse can be seen all around us working its way throughout everything giving us that measure of what remains as we can make our journey towards entropy. We may yet delve its mysteries.

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 8:46 am
by Winterhawk99
The Harmonium

By Alyce Scarlett

We are the Harmonium, an alliance that spans across many primes and planes. As well as here in Sigil. Our goal is to maintain order and to spread peace through harmony to the planes. The Sigil branch is just a small part of the alliance, it is our job to help enforce harmony and law in Sigil as a faction of Sigil and as a piece of Harmonium.

We work alongside the Triad, Fraternity of order, and Mercy killers to maintain order here.

Question: The general idea sounds wonderful, but the Harmonium seems very… militant about the way they approach seeking harmony. How does the Harmonium help create order in other ways?

Answer: Aye, through discipline and might is the best way to spread harmony. As you know, Sigil and many other places don’t often like the idea of control or law… So, you have to sort of show that there are consequences for breaking rules and for being too chaotic. If we just give out writs……. Slaps……… They learn nothing and get away to do it again. We have to physically show that there are punishments.

Think of it like a beartrap. You can tell a berk not to stick their hand into it, yet some may stick their hand in anyways. When they do… SNAP!... Sure, sometimes you can avoid it, but I doubt you would do it again. Or if I told you that the fire behind you is hot. Would you stick your hand into it? What if you didn’t believe me. Well then you get burned and find out. And to sort of explain harmony. It is the unity of all under one banner or as I like to call it a family that lives in peace. We all work together and pick each other up. Alone you may fall but together we shall arise.

*Alyce motions around the inn* It’s peaceful here because no matter where you are from, of what you are everyone is able to get along. Because they follow the order of what harmonium has instructed to uphold. As long as they follow the order, harmony can be maintained.

Many claim they lack freewill or freedom. But nay, we don’t remove freedoms. We apply a layer of discipline and control to such being able to know when and how to speak, what to do in a moment when needed. That way we aren’t all just a mess of a bunch of sour notes trying to sing.

I should say, many claim we take away freewill or freedom. A lot of times it is just berks who are too envious to realize that they are flawed. They allow their emotions and opinions to sway into a truth. It’s not logical. It is chaos, an independence from reality. They want to escape it while we want to maintain its song and amplify its sound as one. Hope and determination are major factors too. We believe in a better future because we know there will be one. We just need everyone to see it. And through time and hard work they will eventually see what is truly before them.

Question: What about individuality” You can be a good person and be an individualist.

Aye, it isn’t about being a good person, but about helping maintain order. It’s not our job to enforce beliefs upon people or control and micromanage their thoughts and feelings. We focus on keeping peace and preventing disorder.

Question: At what point does the harmonium consider a person a threat to order from individualistic pursuits?

Answer: Someone who purposefully disobeys the law and attempts to conduct an act of disorder… a good example is offering Habs to lemons and Clueless… It is harmful and provides nothing but a situation in which someone either dies or is heavily injured. Another would be interfering with the Harmonium or the Triad while we are trying to contain a threat… of course, innocent people die, that is not something we are wanting to occur, but it is a risk we have to take when making decisions. We can’t save everyone. But we are not abandoning the weak and poor. We are encouraging them to seek harmony so they may be granted a home. If they refuse, we cannot force them.

And there are factions like the Signers and Ciphers whom we don’t often bother because of how well they keep from causing disorder, even though we don’t agree with their belief or ideals. We see no reason to attack them or force them to change.

Question: So, from what I get the harmonium doesn’t act until the point where actions become harmful to the public welfare. Is that right?

Answer: Correct. Personal situations are not our problem. We care about the whole.

Question: I have heard that the harmonium has taken over whole primes in the name of order. Is that true?

Answer: We have primes that are a part of our alliance, and any and all are welcome to request to be a part of the alliance. There are a few that we have sought out due to a complete disarray of order and required aid.

Question: Anything else about the philosophy of the Harmoniums you would like to add Alyce?

Answer: We are a family. We treat each other with respect. No matter who they are or what they may be. If one falls, we pick them up. We will disagree and possibly fight, but in the end, we stick together, because that is what a family does. We do no abandon family… no matter if they are blood or not. I would love to see my father a part of our order… though we both agree it wasn’t his purpose.

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 7:05 pm
by Winterhawk99
Fraternity of Order

By Avardoss of Rigus.

The faction of the Fraternity of Order is built upon the foundation of all that is knowledge. If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation you couldn’t supersede or overcome when you needed it the most; or an overwhelming challenge when at the worst time… It is due to lack of foresight, preparation, and overall knowledge.

Those of us who’ve gathered at the courthouse have dedicated our lives in the pursuit of knowledge for this very reason. We’ve come to understand that the very creation of the multiverse stems from the three key principles of law. To explain this further, we’ve divided the three elements of the three types of rules. They are Rules, Laws, and Axioms.

Rules: are mortal made scripts, codes and commands inducted in their own societies and civilizations. Laws: which are bound entirely from what the powers have conceived and wrapped around their creations. And Axioms: The very ancient Axioms being all that is and will always be the rules of the multiverse; something that can never be broken.

To know each and every one of these sets of rules make you virtually invincible and although we’ve written down all that are rules written by mortal kind; to learn the greater laws and especially the Axioms come at greater risks to learn.

The sheer importance of knowledge had made Sigil’s courthouse what it is. Documentation, Research, the bureaucracies, and extensive archives all take place there, as well as the Sigil’s imperative laws. Being its holders grants us city officials. Although I am from the Bureaucracy of Research, in my position- I can be put into nearly any position in the court should my rank allow me. I may act as a defense attorney or prosecution during court proceedings. Even as a bailiff should need be.

As far as ranks go, they begin from A-10 through A-1. A-10 through A-6 you may consider the Namer position or as we call them the aides. A-5 through A-1 are denoted as administrators or Factorums.

Assuming there have been outstanding achievements to a Guvner, they may grant themselves... after a long history… be promoted to B-10 through B-1. These are bureau chiefs. Factors and Factols, if you might.

I find that the Fraternity of Order bears great importance to the city of Sigil for reasons too blatant. As holders of the law, it is our duty to ensure the details are shared to all in order to maintain fairness and order throughout the cage.

I suppose to spare some details about myself, I am an A-7 Guvner of the Research Bureaucracy branch. I’m an aide, I’m at most times in an office or in the archives preparing needed documents or assisting my superiors with their current projects. When I’m not assisting, I am attending to my own research projects; although slow, as I help train my soldiers here so that I may send them to where they’re needed to collect intelligence for me.

To give you an idea of the bureaucratic assignments, we have bureaucracies such as the courts, Internal affairs, prime affairs, power affairs, records, stygian affairs and much more. A guvner is assigned to a bureaucratic branch based on their current performance, or when and where at they are needed at the direction from the administrators.

Question: So, the Fraternity is not just lawyers?

Answer: We’re much more than just court officials, yes. However, you may want to be prepared for such duties. I’ve never stepped up to such assignments as neither of the cases nor its people so far have caught my interest…. No, I suppose that may be a lie; Once did I attempt to take up a case involving a reveler of Olympus, our allies of Polykeptolyn requested a defense attorney for him. However, one of my superiors of the courts took up the case instead.

Question: Thus, you ceded the case to him?

Answer: Yes. To be entirely fair, it would seem that was a very delicate case for the Fraternity of Order. Details I’m not at liberty for spare.

To conclude this, a guvner things of all their growth of knowledge every cycle in whatever capacity that may be. Attentive to all laws and their importance. Ready to assist with matters of the court or other assignments.

Question: Are there other areas besides the courthouse that the Fraternity has sanction over?

Answer: Yes, there are a few spots around the Lady’s ward outside the courts, but they aren’t detrimental, more convenience. Outside of Sigil, and as mentioned before there are places like Polykeptonlyn of Olympus. Guvners do have a place for themselves there and it doesn’t go without saying there are sanctioned places in Mechanus for guvners. The biggest there I believe is a realm there named Regulus; some of the courthouses there are run by guvners.

Question: the Fraternity places a great deal into the order of the way things should be. What about freewill, individuality? What does the Fraternity think about these free forms of thinking?

Answer: There are times and places where one can express individuality, and they are numerous. They’re always welcoming sights; A grand reason why I’m an anthropologist to study various cultures of sentient mortal-kind. It is… fascinating, to look upon what free-form thinking has done to the land around them. Stretching what potentials, we once thought were impossible. So long as such freedom of thought or actions don’t actively interfere with laws; then it would be safe to express. Wouldn’t you think? An idea has no heft, but it can move mountains. An idea has no authority, but it can dominate people. An idea has no strength, but it can push aside empires. Do you know where that comes from?

My answer: I do not but have read it is true of my own people.
I see. That was a common aphorism used by the faithful of the lord of knowledge, Oghma. Knowledge is the greatest tool of the mortal mind. To be bearers of knowledge, we understand freedom. We are mortals, we value our freedom… and so would most governs…. Although I cannot speak for our modron members.

Question: When the rules of men and/or the laws of powers conflict. How does the Fraternity parcel that?

Answer: It rarely ever conflicts. Typically, to obstruct laws of the powers may have inconsequential effects without knowing it, and time often corrects that thought through history. Agents or proxies of powers tend to make these corrections. To invite devastating law breaking of powers, mortal kind would need to try and there are archives of broken primes I believe of such aftermaths. Laws born of powers, are at first obvious. Committing cosmic taboos often gets their attention. It’s much more simple to just not do so.

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 6:43 am
by Winterhawk99
The Society of Sensation

by Sunyata

The Society’s overarching philosophy is that experience is the primary means by which adaptation and growth occur. We understand that experience of something external can only be had through senses. In essence your senses right now. Your eyes seeing the fire. (We were sitting in front of a cozy fireplace in the Feast Hall) Your ears hearing its crackle, your skin feeling its heat. These are the means by which you know the fire. And so, our practices go both into the sublime understanding. Our own senses on a deep, relational level and- The Grand - such as building a place like this which will stimulate the senses and also evoke wonder.

Question: So, by stimulating your senses… sharpening them, you know more about the universe and the way it ultimately works?

Answer: Oh yes. As individuals we are very limited, but I mentioned Grand projects. Our Sensorium is a collection of stored memories, millions of them. Any time a sensate happens across something unique or particularly nuanced from their perspective, they’ll come back to the feast hall and share it.

I will say the guvners have some overlap with our philosophy as well, which makes them loose allies at times. They want to understand how the verse works… It’s hard to test your own theories without a practical experience of an experiment.

Question: I am surprised that the Sensate uses knowledge and logic along with sensation. How does this work. How do you use the intellect of the mind when emotion and sensation seem to be more… prioritized?

Emotion is just another sensation to study, to me. But let’s see… Since our primary foundation is that the world is real and to be sensed to be understood, the expressions can be many and varied. Some people explore to see how everything does make them feel emotionally. Some explore to get a practical sense of the whys and hows of life.

The one thing we preach against, though, is seeking routine behavior, and a denial of new experiences. We view both as signs of stagnation.

Statement: I doubt that the Sensate would approve of my life then.

Answer: You are not an avowed member so disapproval isn’t ours to give for the way you live. Joining a faction is an expression of dedication to the ideas it values.

I am unsure if I have much more to offer than that. As a sales pitch I think it usually gives enough to think about for prospective members. It's a point where I encourage curiosity.
Question: What about sensation of negativity in action, thought and emotion? Experiencing death and becoming a worm in the pits of Baator, Undeath, Jealousy, a great destructive force among mortals?

Answer: Do we avoid them? Seek to understand them? Personally, a person can avoid experiences they think will kill or maim them, or otherwise bring harm… But such experiences sometimes still find their way to our Sensorium. It allows members to have glimpses of such realities without being subject to physical traumas.

Maybe I can close the interview by showing you some of the stones.

She takes me to the Sensorium part of the Feast Hall.

Question: This seems much like a library?

Answer: This is one floor of it, yes.

She shows me a stone: Stones like these are stored memories.

I touched the stone for a moment and step away. “Rather unnerving.”

Answer: There are others more that are more benign.

Question: So that was your memory. I am sorry for your pain.

I touch the stone again to get the full sensation:

Sensation: I immediately feel a cold, dull ache in my side, its pain draws my attention away from the angry orange of a nearby fire. I’m out of immediate danger, hidden in the riverside reeds, but a look at the rushed bandages gives dizzy thoughts of an imminent death.

I remind myself I am not yet dead as my nerves begin to settle, and a slim hope of my family surviving creeps in behind my fear. I peek through the reeds towards what was my home, a grass hut that’s now a bonfire for a raucous band of savage men. The gleam of their blood-soaked weapons makes my hope drop like a leaden weight that ties a new know in my stomach. The chilling reminder of pain and a promise of death is nearly overwhelmed with furious grief. I can’t pull my eyes away, and the flood of emotions and pain deaden the recognition of the splashing water from behind. I take notice too late.

A cold hand grasps at my shoulder, then another smothers my mouth before I can cry out. I definitely bite down but my mouth fills with the taste of silty river-water instead of expected flesh. Utterly stunned in confusion, I don’t even think to resist as I’m pulled into the depths. The waters are calming, this feels like a promise that I’ll live.

We move to another part of the Sensorium.

Question What other holdings does the Society have other than the Feast Hall?

Answer: We run most of the entertainment found in the city: Taverns, inns, theaters, and art studios.

Question: So many bards also join the Sensate?

Answer: Anyone interested in any arts is likely to consider us at some point.

Statement. It seems the more logical choices for an artist. These experiences I would think help them find their muses.

I touched another of the stones in the section she brought me to.

Sensation: I arrive through a shimmering white portal and for a split second there is a feeling of absolute weightlessness. Then, the cold gusts of the Elemental Plane of Air whip around me, tearing the breath from my chest and causing my caramel brown hair to flutter wildly around my face. The icy chill of the altitude sears my skin, my heartbeat pounding in my ears as the adrenaline pumps through my veins. I feel the swiftness of the wind as it billows my dress, the raw pure power of elemental air embracing me in its endless expanses.

As I plummet, my gaze wanders across the infinite sky, an endless sea of azure punctuated by the gleaming shards of distant air elementals. The wind streams past me, leaving steaks of misty white that blur into a wash of ethereal colors. The sheer magnitude of it, the vastness and the depth; enough to invoke a sense of serenity amidst the adrenaline-fueled rush. All around me, the skies stretch out, endless and beautiful, its silence more profound than any of the grand symphonies you have heard within Sigil.

As the adrenaline begins to fade and be replaced by an intense calm, I reach for the charm around my neck – an amulet invoking a Plane shift. A quick invocation, and suddenly the plane warps around me, the colors bleeding together into a vortex of light and sensation. The sensation of falling is replaced by the feeling of being pulled sideways, drawn across the fabric of the multiverse. The cold air of the plane recedes, replaced by an altogether different sensation. Just as suddenly as it began, the free fall through the Plane of Air ends, leaving me with a lingering sense of awe and exhilaration. The last moments of the cold clings to my skin and fade, a final goodbye from the plane of the endless sky.

She looks at these ones. “I ‘ve used these to help me study planar phenomenon as well. This one shows some important qualities of the plane of Air.

Question: Experimentation through the senses … Senses can full you. Any hedge mage can make spells geared to fool your senses. How does a sensate contend with something like that?

Answer: Understanding the nuances.

Question: A sort of trick then? You sense something false with what you are presented with and disbelieve?

An illusion tricks the senses until it is interacted with, usually, and even in those sensory tricking moments there’s always signs that something isn’t real.

I have a good analogy for this sometimes but let’s say… If this vase were illusory, it would only stimulate my senses, yes?

My answer: yes

But if you’ve had a lot of experience with the materials of the vase. Its textures, the way the glazing reflects light, or how the object itself blocks and creates shadow. You can see through such by the way it interacts with things that aren’t your own senses. A second-layered interference.

Question: So… A well-conditioned sensate can see through illusions better than others?

Answer: They would know how to infer its falseness, I think.

Question: That does sound logical. What about other powers. Real powers can you see through them too? Say shape-changers?

Intuitively it may be possible, I haven’t studied that path of things. I’m more of a demonstrate in practical need kind of woman rather than a performer.

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:53 am
by Winterhawk99
The Athar

By Perfect Yasuko

The powers, as they are commonly understood in cultural consensus, are Gods—They are powerful beings, whom grant magic, and help shape reality. This is, however, false. The powers are not truly divine—And, indeed, True Divinity manifests as a thing at the very edges of our perception, It’s Dark just beyond the veil of our comprehension.

The powers require a great deal of things, and fragile, circular natures. They are entirely composed of their beliefs. Not only this, but they are sustained by it. Without prayer, devotion, servitude, without lauding them in credit for the deeds their mortal followers, without showering them with transient material things as a display of sacrifice, the Powers fade. And in return, what do they offer?

They ebb out little droplets of grace, barely enough to do anything, then take credit for the mortals’ deeds who use it. They do almost nothing, but just enough to draw followers, worshippers, servants. They create minions made of the pure stuff of their ethics, so that none could disobey them as they inflict themselves and their wills upon mortal kind.

All the gods are, are powerful beings, unworthy of worship. All they ‘built’ are the results of mortal efforts. Why, then, should we worship them, when all their deeds are the product of mortal effort? When all they offer is to keep us on the hook? The communities they claim to build, mortal kind does. The magic they claim originates from them can be touched without them. The Powers are not worthy of their worship because they need -us-, we do not need -Them-. Why should we pray to leeches? Simply we should not. They are nothing special, not when True Divinity exists—When we can reach out and touch it, feel it, draw from it and manifest magic from it, all without bowing and scraping to a distant thing that only wants to use -us-, and give us naught in return.

Now do not mistake me. Divinity -exists-, but it is vast, timeless, and it does not demand, impose bans, or truths. It merely -Is-. It is a fact of reality. It is a fact of our world. A truth, that Divinity is real. Can be touched and will demand nothing in return. This Divinity, this True Divinity, is known to us, and can be reached. I draw my magic from it but its’s full nature is Dark. Still, we strive and grow closer each cycle to parting the veil to the unknowable and learning the truth of Divinity. And it is this Truth that will prove the falsity of the powers.

Question: Would you say that the Athar as an organization has a goal of unveiling and touching this divinity you speak of?

Answer: Touching, we already do. I am a cleric. I draw my magic from it. Its full dark is not known to me, but I can attest to its existence, attest to its divinity. Parting Veil, learning its Truth, is part of our efforts, and will be the outcome of it. In as many turns as it takes.
Question: You are a priestess but follow no known god of goddess. That is correct?

Answer: I do not follow any of the false gods, or what you would call a god, or goddess, or a power. These entities are powerful indeed—but unworthy of worship. They have built institutions of deception to hold mortal kind under their thrall across billions of worlds. I am a priestess, in a loose sense, but I do not worship, as much as I touch, meditate upon, and seek to deepen my understanding of. I do not pray to it. I do not make offerings to it. I do not bow and scrape to the Great Unknown. I draw from it, through my conviction and certainty, as part of my studies of its mysteries.

Question: There are instances in the histories of some primes where a Power has touched the lives for a great benefit to people. What do you think about those instances?

Of -people-, or so it seems. But what is wrapped in temporary benevolence is inevitably touched by an agenda. Not all powers are inherently malevolent by their natures, but they are limited, and they -require it. Powers are not acting out of the goodness of their hearts. It is an investment. They turn the faucet and give a burst of grace to mortal kind, then seal it shut to preserve themselves on power and ability. Then, when the lives they touched pray, sacrifice, worship and devote themselves to them—The power gets back all they expended, and more. Eventually, they even subsume their souls.

Question: Subsume their souls?

Answer: The powers will eventually absorb the souls of their worshippers. It is inevitable. A fact of them using them to survive. They will first erase all elements of you. Who you were. What you were. And then, eventually, they will take you into their whole—And destroy you entirely, in order to perpetuate their own selves. Only after you give your entire mortal life and much of your belongings to them in life. They take a great deal more than they give.

Question: What are the Athars’ duties to the city? Where are they based and do, they have other bases throughout the multi-verse?

Answer: The Athar has limited duties in the city. We contain dangerous magic items that would threaten the city. Besides this, very little—But we are nevertheless one of the factions permitted underneath the Lady’s mandate. Mostly, we focus our efforts on the truth, spreading it, and demonstrating it through charity, oratory, or writing. We offer much work to the city and have even made strives to make written things accessible to the illiterate.

We maintain a presence in the Astral plane, studying and counting the dead powers who float in it.

Question: What of eventual death. Where does an Athar’s soul move on to?

Answer: To the Unknown or to their respective afterlife, divorced from any Power. The same as anyone else might become a petitioner. It has happened that Athar have died and -declined- resurrection, so. Who knows what they’re doing. Not me.

Question: That could be very bad for a Torillian; at least according to doctrine. One who does not worship a god finds themselves in the wall. How do you parcel those kinds of ends?

Answer: The wall of the faithless is a form of tyranny unique to Toril. Kelemvor’s vile -wall- does not hold way to anyone who does not die upon the Godswalk. If a Torillian dies in the Outer Planes, he will skip the reach of that misbegotten power: If anything, that Kelemvor and the Torillian powers are all complacent in forcing people to worship, and worship -truly-, is, to me, proof that they fear they would die without us. That they -need- to force us. To farm us, like chattel.

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 3:15 am
by Winterhawk99
The Believers of the Source

By Waltz the modron.

As you may already know, the Believers of the source, or Godsmen, think that all entities of the multiverse originate from a single common source that is typically referred to as The Source of all. It is the Godsmens’ greatest aspiration to some cycle return to this source after having gone through numerous challenges. They strive through these to which one would grow to better understand the multiverse; and by extension themselves.

Contrary to what one may think, ascension to godhood is not the finality of the Godsmen. It is merely the furthest step towards rejoining with the Source. That is currently know to us and is as such the “Goal” of all who join the Believers of the Source. To strive and further our Craft, towards eventual embodying an Aspect of Divinity.

Due to theses, “Struggles for Godhood”, it is not uncommon for individuals to question the alliance between the Godsmen and Athars, as the later are known to fiercely oppose powers in all forms. However, both factions agree that the Gods are not as out of reach or omnipotent as they may seem.

What is a Deity but an Entity or individual who has acquired a greater knowledge of the multiverse’s inner workings, granting them a potential with very few equal. Furthermore, history has previously seen Powers that were eliminated by mortals, meaning that they are not as invincible as some may be led to believe. This also further cements the idea that one could potentially attain Godhood through arduous dedications.

Regarding our Faction’s holdings, The Godsmen hold the great foundry of Sigil as their headquarters within the city of Doors. Located in the lower ward, we remain close to our Doomguard and Athar allies, The great foundry is notably where all the basic needs of materials and tools are for the city. They are crafted before being sold throughout the city. As such, should the foundry cease to function, Sigil would quickly fall into disrepair as all the products such as nails, bolts, hammers, saws and many more would rapidly run out. This is why the Godsmen are a valuable asset to the City of Sigil.

Question: You say that the Godsmen look to reach a higher state through hard work. What of those deities that reach divinity through picking up followers?

Answer: Receiving worship from followers imply having reached these entities and/or individuals in a significant enough way for them to start worshiping these individuals. As such, it can be assumed that for one to ascend to Godhood through this process they would have had to struggle to some degree.

Question: Do the Godsmen have other holdings in the planes other hand the Foundry?

Answer: There are a few workshops to be found in various locations of the outlands, though the exact coordinates are not necessarily known.

Question: If you don’t know the coordinates how does a Godsmen get to these workshops?

Waltz did not answer this question as he was pulled away by another. Though I would assume the Godsmen themselves know the coordinates of each and every workshop.

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:57 am
by Winterhawk99
The Sign of One

By Dionysias Psychoplochos

I must start with the conversation of this lecture and interview with a dialog between myself and Dionysias as we enter the IX. My promise to him.

Dionysias: What are you having?

Me: I don’t know. Something not too strong. I never had alcohol before.

Dionysias: Never!?

Me: Never.

Dionysias: Very well, you’ll have something sweet. Gladsheim Honey Mead.

Me: Ok.

Dionysias: “Cheers, fella!” He lifts his ever-full black orb and sips near the surface of it.

I open my mead and sip it tentatively. Saying, “It’s bubbly… interesting.” Then I get out my quill and notebook.

“So, what did you want, again?” He asks me.

“The philosophy of the Signers, what they do, what holdings they have, subdivisions of the faction and the like?”

“I’ll start by giving you some advice. Lots of berks in the Cage are eager to rattle their boneboxes, but very few have anything worthwhile to say, when they do. You can really cut down on the noise and stupidity by asking specific questions about what you are trying to learn. Let bloods run away with their tongues, and they’ll construct just about any idea they want about whatever mibbix they’re on about.

The core of the signer philosophy is that belief molds reality. Sure, all the Factions believe it, but the Signers cut to the core of it. Your thoughts shape everything. That mead you’re enjoying – Describe its taste to me. That’s the first time you’re having alcohol, right?

Describe what you’re feeling, thinking and experiencing right now.” He sits back and watches me.

“It tastes vaguely like honey. Theres a strange tang on my tongue from it. It goes down my throat slightly warm. It is sweet like you said but not oversweet like honey. I think I also taste jut a touch of cinnamon.

“You just described the physicality of it and your experience. If we stopped there, we’d be stopping on the Senate’s turf. Let’s go up the street now, to the Hall of Speakers – metaphorically. What do you ‘Think’ about what you’re tasting? How do you like it, dislike it, feel like you might acquire its flavor more, never want it again? What’s your opinion?”

“It’s complex. I like some of the tastes, not sure about the bitterness which is also has and worry that it will cause me to lose control of my head.”

“Why does that worry you?”

“I lose control of my head; I may lose control of my form. Which means those that know how I really am my hunt me as my mother was once hunted.”

“Interesting. And do you let those fears drive you and influence your decisions, your beliefs, and your interface with reality? If something so ‘simple’ as indulgence in spirits elicits that concern.

“I would have to say yes, sometimes. I never show my true form to outsiders of the family. In general no. I was taught to hide like this as a teen (so to speak). So, it is somewhat natural to me.”

“The Sign of One is about looking inward, to break down the weaknesses in our minds and hearts, and build ourselves back into a place where fear, concern, shame and powerlessness have no nooks to nest in. It would be taking what has become ‘natural’ to you… And scrutinizing it. Is this supposed to be natural? Am I supposed to live this way? Why should I hide who I am? Asking yourself the questions that only you can answer… And more broadly, realizing that all of reality is a question only you can answer. That’s the Sign of One’s way.

What do we do, you asked. What don’t we do. We can do anything we set our minds to, anything we desire, and anything we envision. Some ‘fail’ in the short term, but the only real failure is to stop trying. Civically, we’re the seat of government in Sigil. We control the Hall of Speakers, called for and acquire proposals from the Factions, and accept or deny their execution.”

“So going back, a ways, in belief molds reality. It sounds like what you can do on the astral plane with magic. Belief molds the magic into what you want. Magic not being hampered in any way there.”

“I don’t know enough about the Astral, but if that’s how it works, that’s how it sounds to me.

Holdings? We’ve got the Hall of Speakers, the Lounge of Envisionment, the Center of Eternal Dreams in Faunel.”

“The Hall of Speakers that’s where the heads of factions meet correct. What is the lounge of Envisionment and the Center of Eternal dreams? I ask.”

The Lounge of Envisionment was started by Ajumat, one of our Factors. It’s near the Feast Hall, you ought to go see it yourself. It’s like a miniature Hall of Speakers, a domain of his own… though my mind’s eye envisions he’ll be absent from it for a lifetime, perhaps longer. It has every little thing the Hall of Speakers does, just more condensed – Maybe a little extra, as well. You should just see it for yourself.”

“I will go there and see it.”

“The center of Eternal Dreams, well – That ties into another question you had, about Sub-sects. There is a subsect of Signers called Dreamers. I would consider myself among them – that the waking world alone is insufficient for my purposes and whims and truths. That what can be manifest from my dreams can be made ‘real’ much the same as…”

Dionysias reaches up and plucks from thin air a new bottle of Gladsheim honey. He swigs it deeply and tosses the bottle behind him. It disappears.

I tell him, “That is quite like my mother’s philosophy. She thinks the world is a myth. Similar but different.”

He answers: “Yes, and what the Signers believe? We make the myth – and ‘Are’ the myth”


“Mythology is a cornerstone of Olympian culture, so I am pre-disposed to this line of thinking. There’re other subsects, too. There’re a bunch of berks who think about our first Factol all day and night. There’re solipsists that think ‘Everything’ is a figment of their imaginations. And maybe they’re right!”

I nod, “Those are also interesting concepts. Any other subsects of the Signers?”

“If there are, They’re not too important to me. I think Dreamers are the biggest.”

What is the general job description of the Signers for the cities. The harmoniums are the police so to speak, Fated the tax collectors, Guvners the lawyers and record keepers. What do the Signers do?”

“I already mentioned it. We’re the seat of government. We disseminate info. We steward the city, all that. Make sure that the Cage is balanced as the Lady intends for it to be, I guess.

“Do you work closely with the Guvners?” He laughs and sips his orb again. I smile, “Ok then.”

“I think our closest ally ‘Should’ be the Godsmen, really. But that hasn’t been true for a while. And I thought the Sensates were our close allies, but they went back on their word at the Hall of Speakers. So who knows? Maybe we’re well and truly alone.” He smiles wide.

I nod, “Why the Godsmen? Is it philosophy or something else?”

“Basically, Aye.”

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:45 am
by Winterhawk99
The Mercykillers

By Easha Bofgun

So, to be a Mercykiller is to uphold the eight tenants, to enact justice above all else. Justice is everything, it is absolute and is perfect, but only if it is justified and righteous. The ultimate goal, from the verse, is to make it perfect and right. But that is a goal that obviously will take centuries, at best. As of the here and now, we are to enforce the eight tenants and bring proper punishment upon the guilty. With the city we operate in the prison, and we handle all that entails. That is the surface of us.

Question: What other holdings do the Mercykillers have other than the prison?

Answer: From my understanding we are anywhere we can be as law bringers, but I am told this plane of Acheron has a large majority of us.

Question: Could you talk to me about the 8 tenants and the ideas behind them?

Answer: Well, I will speak of them, and why we have them, but if you have specific questions about each you can ask me after I speak of them. The tenants are a charter that the Mercykillers created to guide our faction, to keep our hands true and right. They are kept clear and simple so there is no funny business.

One: I will uphold justice before all else, purging the multiverse of those who break the law.

Two: In all situations, I shall weigh the rights and wrongs with a clear and impartial mind.

Three: I shall decide where Justice must fall under the law, and I will meter out that justice with a firm and unyielding hand.

Four: I believe in the righteousness of my faction: We alone answer to the higher law of Justice.

Five: I will not pass judgement on good or evil, only on law-abiding and law-breaking, for therein lies wrongdoing.

Six: I will punish the guilty as the crime demands.

Seven: I will be diligent in my pursuit of the guilt, and while so engaged I will remain innocent of any wrongdoing in the eyes of others.

Eight: I will never release a lawbreaker until his sentence has been carried out.

Question: Based on this, are there many paladins that join your faction?

Answer: Out numbers grow, Facto Arwyl Swan’s son is always on the look out for the most honorable of us. Of course, any who swear by the tenants and are not criminals can join. But to be a traitor and a foul person well, you will not last long.

Question: The Harmonium often serves as the police of the city. Do the Mercykillers add to them in some form of supportive role or perhaps an investigative role?

Answer: Both to some degree. We are more famous for being called Hounds, for we hunt those who have been deemed guilty by the city. Wherever they are, whoever they are. We find them and bring them to justice so, in that regard, we act as an extension to them in some capacity.

Question: Like bounty hunters?

Answer: Sort of, yes.

Question: It seems that philosophically other than the obvious reverence to order the Mercykillers seem to have a broad basis of ideas they could include?

Her question: Do you mean in an individual sense?

My answer: Yes

Answer: Well, yes. The Eight tenants must be followed to their exact wording, but we are allowed to have our own ideas. Many of us are faithful to some god of justice, and we all have our own rituals. But we all come together for the same cause at the end of the day.

Question: How do you handle the more scholarly of your members?

They take a more hands off roles. Administrative work and such. They spend their time teaching and reinforcing what Justice means, and what the laws are, researching laws in places we operate outside the city, such and so forth.

Question: Anything you would like to add about the faction, Easha? Perhaps your own experiences or views?

Answer: Like all factions, It has its bad and its good. But I strive to make sure it is Just, and right, and fair.

Re: Brath's Guide to the Factions of Sigil (offical)

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2025 7:08 pm
by Winterhawk99
The Transcendental Order

By Cidney the halfling

Ciphers seek to perfect themselves, through learning and honing of the self. We seek to balance the heart, mind and spirit. We believe in what we call the Cadence, the motion of the verse itself. It surrounds everyone and everything. It guides us all. We attune to it through our training and learn to trust it: Follow where it leads our path. Some even achieve Transcendence, becoming one with the verse and the Cadence.

This is what most Ciphers strive to achieve, which we do through means that speak to us, some might be more martially focused, but really anything that brings us understanding is worth pursuing, such as arts and crafts, or whatever else.

Question: Is that why the gym also includes a library?

Answer: Yes, the Ciphers are often connotated as stupid, or lacking thought, but that is the farthest from the truth. We simply do not think if it’s unneeded and trust our instincts and what’s to come what will be will be.

Question: So that is mind and body. How do you develop the spirit? What means does the Gymnasium have for that?

Answer: Spirit is a matter of belief, and we believe in ourselves, and in the Cadence. Some of us even have faith in some powers. We learn of others as much as self and promote understanding. It’s why we serve as the Cage’s mediators, often helping in conflict resolution thanks to our relatively neutral stance.

Question: So, the Transcendentals job for the community so to speak is mediation. What other things do they do for the city?

Answer: Our gym is open to all, and we can offer guidance in training or in discovery of self, and we’re recently been assigned authority of the Market ward, but we’ve contracted the Indeps for that.

You have told me to the best of your knowledge the Gymnasium is the Transcendentals only holding. Is that true also outside of the city? Do you have places on other planes or primes?

Answer: I’m not aware of any major holdings we own, perhaps more individually owned. It’s never really interested me, but there could be.

Question: Have you ever met someone that has achieved this state of Transcendence? What are they like? How do they differ from ordinary men?

Answer: Seeing they transcend this form of existence; it would be difficult to meet them. I’ve not yet witnessed such happening myself, but Ven assures me it’s achievable within a lifetime.

Question: How does the multi-verse speak to you personally? Is it a feeling? Some form of life rhythm you detect and decipher?

Answer: I don’t know about the verse, but I sense the guidance kinesthetically, like being in water. I’ve recently began hearing it as well, when talented musicians practice their art. It’s quite amusing, I hear the Cadence over the music and probably experience it much more differently now. I know Ven sees it, but I’ve yet to reach that point myself.

Question: Is it normal to experience it this way or does each Cipher have his own way of detecting and interacting with it?

Answer: Each Cipher has their own path, their own way, and their own experience. The means can differ, but the end goal is the same.

Question: It seems by the Transcendentals way of thief there are many monks that often also train the three parts of self would be interested in joining the transcendentals. Do you have many monks in your organization?

Answer: We do have some, yep. We’ve all kinds, really.

Question: What do the Ciphers generally think of the 4 cornerstones of belief, society, individuality, good and evil?

Answer: Well, every faction has ‘belief’ in high regard, and the Ciphers are no different. Individuality is very important for us since we work on the self, most of all. As for society, good and evil, that’s more a personal matter regarding each Cipher, I can’t answer for the whole.

Question: Do the Transcendentals have any strong allies or enemies among the factions?

Answer: We try to get along with everyone. Even if perhaps the Sign is quite contrary to our own beliefs, and the Harmonium’s idea of Harmony does not always match its claims.

Question: Do you have any insights into why people believe that the transcendentals are ignorant? I, myself have found the members quite thoughtful and reserved. It is a puzzle to me.

Answer: As I mentioned earlier, they think us thoughtless, because they see us as muscleheads that think nothing else but training.

Question: Would you like to add anything about the faction itself? Anything you would like the public to know that we have not covered.

Answer: I’ve covered much more than what people usually ask for. I doubt I could add anything substantial. We reach an understanding through practice, so it’s not something easily conveyed.