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Post by Winterhawk99 »

Adalee the server I have my main character is down until June of this year. It was a beta server so I did not review it. It is a nice small server with a sense of community.

So at the moment I am looking at a server called Amia. This server is older than my own that ran for 6 years between 2006-2012. I recognized some of the scripts. especially their clothing script which Mermut and I modified early on. they even have our modifications. So they may have taken it from Anchorome, Broodslayers or Harvest Moon. Perfectly fine and I feel comfortable with those scripts. I'll know more as I play.

I'll be using Arelush my somewhat non-intellectual but wise Ranger as my review character here.
CTP team member
Chief cook and bottle washer for Harvest Moon

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