And according to Thrikreen, AKA Brian Chung from Bioware:
You can actually add a GrassTextureName=ttz_grass to the [GRASS] section to redirect what image to use for the grass.
Okay.... Well, I just took a quick spin with a browny-yellow-tinted ttz grass in Babylon and this is how it looks. I think a unique texture, not just one with the colours altered, might be needed to get a really good look for this set - the quick one below just doesn't do it for me. But hey - at least it works! Yes: with just one alteration to your set file and a custom texture, you too can have grass that is different to the norm!
Thank you, Chris! I still think we can do better on the grass texture front, though. Check out what a really good one can do, for example in the recently released Toro's Rural Override! ... ail&id=114
What would be really cool, is if someone used it for something other than grass.
Like, you could make a alpha-fading orange texture and use it to make it look like light coming in cracks from volcanic ground.
In fact I'm gonna try that and screenshot it at some point
Shame it'd have to be animateable and make the grass sound though. It'd look rubbish when it bent out the way as folks walked through it. Maybe make a ring of non walkeable around it... Hmmn.