Q: (juleslawrence)
Can someone run through the basic useage of Jlen's Set Editor Tool with me.. So far I've taken two haks- one being Arcopole's tree city and the other being Sumeux's airships, and deposited all the files from each into two separate folders. Now fire up the set editor and open the .set from the airship hak (I've heard that the airships don't combine due to something to do with their numbering, so I'm using them as a base).. then press "import tiles and groups". now I open Acropole's .set file and move all the relevant groups over, save .set, save .itp and stick the entire contents of the, now significantly larger, "airships" folder into another test hak... but the tree city doesn't appear in the toolset- IE- its not on the palette listing.
also- I've tried cutting back all but three tiles in Nexorcist's bellow decks hak- to leave only one single ship interior- how come when I save the .set and .itp any tile I've got left in the hak appears as "badstref" in the toolset- they show up ok but have lost their names.
Can anyone let me know where i'm gonig wrong on this.. cheers.
A: (MacLir)
Ok, here's a step-by-step of how I just did the combination of Acropole's Foret des Ombres v0.2 and Someux's AirShips v1.1.
- Extract the 2 haks to 2 separate folders.
- Open the ttf01.set file from the Airship hak.
- Go to Import Tiles/Groups.
- Open Acropole's hak using the 'Open Set File' button directly under the 'Tiles to copy' title.
- Check the box beside the words 'Auto Import Terrain/Crosser'. For our purposes this is very important; it _must_ be checked. Single tiles (those not in a group), from the set are currently displayed in the box below the Tile radio.
- Import each FDO tile individually, be sure to click 'Oui pour Tout' on each tile so that all files for that tile are pulled in.
- Click the Groups radio and import Groups 28-40. Answer 'Oui' to import any duplicate listing and 'Oui pour Tout' for each group; the tiles are different so they will show in the toolset/game.
- Up top, click the Groups button, to swap to the Groups screen.
- Find the listing for 'Grove01_3x3' (if you want to change this name, type in whatever you wish in the 'Name' text box), there should be a zero listed for the StrRef, select it and delete it.
- Click the bold 'Save Change' button.
- At this point, if you wish to rename any of the Groups, you may do so by repeating the prior 2 steps; just substituting the Group name for the one you're changing.
- Also we need to correct one of the Groups named 'Place', its the one with 2 tiles associated to it. The ttf* tile must be deleted using the 'Delete Tile' button. Then in the tile listing, find FDO01_V30_01, select it, click the '<' button to add it in the group. Finally click the bold 'Save Change' button.
- Click the 'Rules' button at the top.
- Go to the 'Placed' drop down list box and select Plate-forme.
- Go to the 'Adjacent to' drop down list box and select Forest.
- Go to the 'Changed for' drop down list box and select Pit.
- Rinse and repeat prior three steps to add Plate-forme/Pit/Pit, Plate-forme/Cliff/Cliff, Haute-Foret/Forest/Pit, and Haute-Foret/Pit/Pit.
- Save both the .SET and .ITP overwriting the original ttf ones in your Airship hak folder.
- Make your new hak by adding the files in the nwhak utility, save it, then attach it to your module.

Q: (juleslawrence)
Actually -noe query, can't your stage 6 be replaced by just copying and pasting al lthe FDO files from one file to the other? Or is there some reason why running everything through the .set editor is needed?
A: (MacLir)
Step 6 is needed unless you hand add all the entries in the .SET file so that the Platform groups/features will work, because they are 'unique' terrain. Your copy and paste method would still need you to go in and re-number each of those entries to be consecutive. The 'Features' and 'Groups' can't work without 'plain' tiles to surround them. If the .SET file isn't modified properly, the toolset doesn't know that the tiles are in the hak.