Wokmesh error diagnosis...
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Wokmesh error diagnosis...

Post by Guest »

Hello All,

I could sure use a little help...

There is this pesky Access Violation error to a specific tile. From What I've read it's something to do with the WokMesh. However what I've tried doesn't seem to make it go.

Tried without success:
- analyzing the aabb node just in case there were overlapping faces
- Welding Vertices
- Starting form a flat plane centered at 0,0,0 and moving vertices to the correct positions.
- Even just putting in a flat 2 faced plane

Are there some suggestions / techniques to debug or diagnose wokmesh problems.

Thanks again.

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Post by Chandigar »

Most common issue that I've had:

Theres an extra mesh on there with a walkmesh modifier on it. Check every mesh, make sure you don't have 2 identical meshes sitting on top of each other. Might be worthwhile to just save and pull each piece off one at a time.


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Post by Christopher »

What are you using to do your modeling? Gmax or 3dsMax(?). What method are you using to create your walkmesh? Finally what export scripts?

If you want someone to look at it you could always attach it in a zip file with .mdl, wok, and TGA textures make it easier to see what your doing (helps determine atleast if you want rock, dirt, grass by the layout of the model).


Post by Guest »

The lone adventurer presses on...

From down the dusty caverns appears two red seething eyes glowing menicingly. Heavy breathing can be heard echoing down the wind hewn rock chambers. The sound of Wokmesh salavation could be heard dripping to the ground between ominous breaths. It paws the ground leaving scraped marks upon the sand stone and abruptly charges from lair some distance away.

Quicky the adventurer, reaches for his newly aquired +1 arrow. Steadily the arrow is placed against the taught bow string. Strung from the very jeweled bow that given to him by Lord Joco. The arrow is pulled back, released, and misses it's target of the soft bits and merely bounces from the creature's armored carapass. The hissing Wokmesh bristles it's quills and prepares to roll over the lone adventurer in blind furious madness.

Taking a step backwards, our hero looses his footing and tumbles to the ground. The metal plating absorbed most of the fall. He was more concerned in the rolling mass of impaling points and did not notice he crushed the bones of another past adventurer whose flesh has well since been eaten away by the beetles. So many have come this far and met their demise. Few others who have grown to legend have been rumored to have subdued this hideous monster. Would this be the end?

Gritting his teeth and desperately grasping for something... anything... his hand found the hilt of some sort of weapon. A spear. It was unusually light, but he couldn't worry about that now.

The Wokmesh made it's leap. The adventurer raised the pointed pole saying, "You're mine now", as the beast fell upon polarm.

The problem turned out to be a neighboring tile that wouldn't cause an error by itself, but would cause the one tile next to it to popup an Access Violation when the Alter/Erase was used on it.

When in Gmax by mirroring some parts of a base tile (wokmesh included) the center got displaced and it somehow had a missing polygon.

Checking for plural wokmeshes revealed the problem so thanks Chandigar for giving the +2 spear of wokmesh error slaying! :_thumb:

Chris, I will definitely do that if I get stuck in the future to put up a zip, I hadn't event thought of that.

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Post by Chandigar »

Yea... being too quick on the trigger copying wokmeshes caused me many many hours of frustration till I figured out what the problem was.

PS: if you do a mirror or scale, apply a "reset x-form" modifier to afterwards. If its a mirror function and it inverts after the reset, you probably need to apply a "normal" modifier to flip it back.

NWNmax might take care of this automatically tho, I dunno. Just an FYI.


Post by Guest »

Then you have other problems, not all access violations are WM related. check your meshes. try to unlink each object in turn.
What about specific nodes such as main lights, source lights etc? are they named correctly?
Again, what export scripts? aura? nwmax?


Post by Guest »

Very true not all problems are WM related.

There's another item that may or may not be known to most and can potentially cause a Access violation is using gmax's UVW unwrap function and exported using nwmax. Moving a single vertex within UMW unwrap edit mode, if a single vertex is moved without the rest of the virtual face it is attached, this will also cause a toolset to crash.
gribo wrote:Then you have other problems, not all access violations are WM related. check your meshes. try to unlink each object in turn.
What about specific nodes such as main lights, source lights etc? are they named correctly?
Again, what export scripts? aura? nwmax?

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