Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn
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Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

Post by Winterhawk99 »

DragonLance Chronicles Reborn is an old server. You will have to have a regular (original) game (Non-EE) to play at this time however the staff hinted at a makeover in the near future. There are dozens of haks required to play the server but it is well worth the effort.

The owner of Dragonlance Chronicles is Black Rider who is custom content maker currently working on the DLA/CTP tileset Solace.

The server is a heavy Roleplaying server. If you like table top gaming this is an excellent place to put up stakes. Its base membership is in europe so if you are american like I am you may want to get up a little early on weekends to play. The Dm staff is small but highly experienced.

The build of the server itself is on par with Harvest Moon or Tales and Adventures. Exceptional detail is paid attention too when building areas. The server stretches the entire continent of Ansolon. It is built around the citys with travel points outside them. That is something very different from what I am use too and frankly Its a bit of fresh air compared to what I have done or have been involved with from past servers.

Dms are extremely active. Running at least two events out of the three times I have stopped in to see the place. Rules are fair but strict. Being that Dragonlance is a book series and D&D world unto itself there are certain aspects about races, classes, that do not match up to fogotten realms lore. Do not expect to be a halfing or drow on this server. Your character will be deleted. power and metagaming is highly frowned upon.

Its good to have some knowledge of dragonlance before you step through the door but is not nessesary. If you only know some basic facts about the books that is perfect for your roleplay. If you know nothing about the book series you can take a look at some general dragonlance lore on wickopedia or google and you should draw enough knowledge to have lots of fun on the server.

As with Bastions of Peace I really like this server but for different reasons. With Bastions of Peace I get the action of a powergaming server. With Dragonlance Chronicles I get the roleplay and character development to flesh out good characters and interact with other good roleplayers.

Here is a link to their forums where you can see what everyone is doing and instructions for downloading the haks if you would like to play. http://dlcr.forumotion.net/
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

Post by Winterhawk99 »

I really can't put my Bastions of Peace character on the forums because of a future book I want to make about her, however my PC on Dragonlance Chronicles reborn can be written about. She is currently 5th level. Perhaps some folk that come here might find some interest in the server after they read her story.

Aiauta introduction:

Deep within the Plains of Dust Lies a small hidden Fertile oasis. The badlands surrounding the small valley are so inhospitable that the people of the oasis have rarely if ever seen another people. On the rare occasion one would come they would see a small village of desert nomads of no import to the world in which they live. Thus, they are mostly forgotten, which in turn pleases the nomads to no end for their lives are a simple existence free from the politics of Krynn.

As Aiauta approaches her parents' she becomes wary. There is an odd smell in the air. When she knocks on the door they answer. She is unsure what may come even though she has lived in the same village; it has been thrity years since the last time she has been called. As her Father opens the door she bobs her head slightly, "Diviner, Mother greetings. Counsel, Father greetings."

Her mother answers, "Aiauta, always a pleasure. We have a guest. Do not be afraid. He will be leaving very shortly."
Aiauta sees the strain on her mother's face and wonders what could upset the leader of the village so.

They step back as she steps in the door. She sees the human and averts her eyes immediately. Then timidly looks to him again but not directly into his eyes. He has a short beard and seems very young, yet his eyes show both a knowledge and understanding well beyond a youth's. He stares at her in an admiration that makes her feel somehow unclean.

She then looks to her parents questioning for they have not changed to hide their nature to this human stranger. She thinks to herself, 'This must be a seeker come home and has not yet altered himself.'

Counsel speaks up, "It is no trick, Aiauta. This is Mu'awiyah a nomad from a tribe far away from this place therefore he is not abject to our nature. He sought us out with dire news. His time is done here. Isn't it, Sir."

Mu'awiyah comes up to mother. They clasp arms: hands to forearms in the desert style of both greeting and farewell. He bobs his head to her and her father, "I am ever at your debt and your service Diviner. I will await what is foretold." He appreciates Aiauta's grace one last time before making his way out and away from the village. As he does Aiauta does the same for she has never felt those warm feelings before; something she has no words for.

Her father closes the door frowning, "I had hoped for the human to leave before you Aiauta. Remember you are bound to another and until that time some fifty years or so from now you should be careful. Humans, elves, and others they are higher than beasts of the field but they are not near to our standards. Put any thoughts away about such things."
Aiauta nods to him, "I have never seen a human. They look surprisingly......Sturdy."

Her mother speaks up, the stress in her voice apparent, "I have called you here Aiauta for a reason not to get all glassy eyed over a barbarian." She pauses a moment in thought then continues, "Mu'awiah's visit has shown us that we have been detached from the greater world for far too long. We need to send a seeker among the races once again to find out how much has changed since last we sent someone. Counsel and I are sending you, our daughter. We feel that with your extended learning you would be best to go out among the world to be our eyes. We wish that you would seek for some time, perhaps until you feel your bond take hold. If you are still seeking when this happens do not worry for, he will come for you in any event. It is the nature of the bond."

Her father smiles, "None of us wish to seek, Aiauta. You must remember; You are destined to run this village one day. You are the next in line if something befalls us. Being a seeker for a period of time will help you know the other races if your time comes and we have visitors again. You must learn to deal with these others although they have their deficiencies."

Aiauta is still not pleased by these revelations but says, "I will seek if only for the knowledge that I need to know, but how will I walk among the other races?"
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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After learning all I can of the outside world from the book in the village library, some borrowed and some in storage, I made my way out of the desert. The question is which way do I go. To the east are the elves. To the west an old city called Tarsis. I choose to go west to see what I may find. Being unsure of the elves culture. The village is far removed from other elves for longer than my lifespan. I might feel too alien to them.
Entering Tarsis I find strange dragon men that I have never heard nor read about. I find out from a human that they are called Draconians. and that is all he said to me. I watch the goings about of people unsure of myself. I am directed to the old docks where beneath are boarded up tunnels. Skeletons attack me. I quickly grab a few things and run using a spell for fleeing.
Coming back I find that the ladder I used to get over the wall is broken. For now I am stuck on the other side of the wall of the city. This is fine. The solitude is refreshing after all the many people of the city. They make me nervous there are too many in too small a space making me feel slightly agitated. I will sell what I have and travel again when getting out of this predicament for there seems to be no teacher here to aid me and take a test at a tower.
On Tarsis: It is a large place filled with people. There is a hall of justice. Traders circled around a market square. And an inn called the Red dragon or something similar. There is a dried up old dockyard and there are undead underneath the docks. There is also a bounty hunter outside the gates that will pay for skeleton knuckles or the ears of fugitives.
During the exploration underneath the docks I have acquired some things: 4 skeleton knuckles for the bounty hunter. A set of chain mail to which I can barely carry and a spell called charm monster. I will sell these and journey to the next city. I would like to keep the spell but being out of these trading coins I must have enough to travel with in my quest to find a mentor.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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It took a full day and night for the guard to make a new ladder. The woman that sells potions and I; spoke of alchemical formulas as they worked. When finally we were over the wall I sold what I acquired finding slightly more trading coin than what I came here with. I made my way to a small village called Rigitt where I boarded a ship.

The captain wanted no coin to accompany him. It was a cargo ship. I made use of my time by helping the crew tie knots when the occasion came up. This sea with its waves gave me at times a sickness I have never known. Its nauseating like a strong flu. We made our way to a huge city called Caergoth.

The city is loud, unclean, and holds too many people in my view. I explored it as fully as possible. I first found an inn or hostel as my new friend/companion Znu called it. I rested within a room after trading 30 coins with the owner.
Once rested I found an alchemy shop run by a man called Gedron. A busy man. Too busy to answer questions from a foreigner. I found two temples one to the goddess of healing Mishakal. and one to the dragon god Palantine. I am not sure what to think of gods and how others worship. We do not worship any gods but my teachings tell me many on Krynn do. The priestesses of Mishakal use magic but it is of such a strange nature to what I know. Is it faith that give them this power. I must study this magic further and its concepts.
I also found jousting grounds. They were not busy. A bored knight running his horse down the lanes asked me to joust him. I guess he didn't think that my frail frame would break just getting onto the horse. I politely refused. The knight seemed disappointed.

After exploring and mapping the city I decided to go north. That was a bad mistake. Wolves stopped my progress very quickly. They almost caught me one chewing my arm as I worked the spell of fleeing. Lucky for me the spell did not fail and I outpaced him running until I saw the guard. The wolf disappearing back into the forest. Two things I did notice just north of the city. The first are all the trees. The great trees are giants compared to our olive and palm trees. The other part is that the city is built jutting out from the cliffs of the coast. It must have taken centuries to move the rock and earth to build Caergoth out into the sea or exceptional magic.

I was just about to take a ship to a new city when a woman of good nature showed up at the docks. Her name is Znu. She was pleasant and wanted to see the city coming from a village much like my own. We went to Mishakals first. The priestess spoke about the monuments in the back. One is too a revered priestess by the name of Arwany. The priestess told us of her story of sacrifice. The other monument is dedicated to a woman by the name of Goldmoon. There is little known of this woman but she is also a heroin from a past age.

The priestess directed us to a school for the art. A mage school. Znu and I spoke with the master of the school, one Bartane. After much discussion he has agreed to take me on as a pupil. This alleviates the worry I have of becoming a renegade mage, as my parents have put into my head all the gruesome things a renegade has in store for them if they are caught. I will do my best to study carefully and take this mage test when the time comes. I am happy to say I have achieved my first goal. I will also look for things I can do to pay my way. My alchemy skills are decent though I have much to still learn. Hopefully that will be enough. I start my learning on the morrow.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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The first few days at the school are a study on ethics. How to use magic properly. Concerns of magic of the populace. How to treat other magi, and proper ethics when at the towers. There are not many pupils here. That may be why Master Bartrane has taken me on as a pupil.

I have also built a relationship with Gedron mostly through messages sent back and forth through our familiars. I have collected some alchemical supplies though him with not much trading coin. We have struck a deal so that I may pay him in potions made for more supplies. This trade I like better than these coins for I know somewhat the value of my work better than I know the medium of exchange for this kingdom. I also have been making potions for Master Bartrane. I do not know what he does with them. I assume he sells them also to Gedron at a discounted price. I feel good that I found a means for paying for my education.

On Master Bartrane I find he is a good and quite man. Getting information and wisdom from him can be as hard as pulling ones own teeth out, but I do not think he holds it back from any avarice. He seems to be succumbing to the frustrations of an elder and some forgetfulness. I am looking for a book so that I can brew non-magical potions so that I may help him ease these frustrations.

Mushrooms and other edible plants are plentiful outside the gates of the city. I pulled a book on them from the schools library and hunt for plants according to the seasons. I am especially careful with each for there are many plants that look the same which are poisonous to ingest. When I was home there was no problem. We grew the plants and spices we needed. Here I have to be careful for the plants of the region can be quite different. The common tree mushroom is good here. Much more woody than the ones we grow but taste good with a bit of common spice. When I eat I always take a plate for my teacher. Sometimes he enjoys it. Other times (mostly in the late hours) he leaves it beside him and nods off in his favorite chair by the fire.

Soon We will start with spell craft and spell theory. I already know much about this being taught by my parents decades ago but will review. I hope to find something new and interesting on mage craft itself while staying here.

That is all I have to write for now. My seeking has ended for the moment so that I may become a full and acceptable magi to this foreign culture. Thus far things are going well. I hope that when ready, Master Bartrane will send me out to see more of the world be it just couriering messages to other masters in different cities. I must also seek the world and know it for my own village over the next few score of years.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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"Aiauta! There is blood on the Floor!?"
"I know Master Bartrane. I'll clean it up as soon as I clean my clothing"
"May I come in?"
The door to the room opens. The white robed mage comes in seeing the young woman trying to clean her travel clothing. He sits on the bed while she sits on a stool washing the clothes.
"What happened?"
"I heard there was a waterfall to the east of the city. I went to explore it. Lots of things grow near water both edible and for use in alchemy, Lotus, watercress, cat-tails. Wolves barred my path. I started to flee when a bounty hunter showed up. We fought them together. I had to kill one of them."
"Did you use magic?"
The young elf nods to him slowly, "At first a spell of fleeing. When the bounty hunter showed up I turned around to help him. I used a small fire spell and cantrips of cold finally resorting to my walking stick to defend myself."
"How do you feel about killing the wolf?"
"It was necessary. The wolf would not back away. I tried not to kill them. They just kept coming."
The old man smiles before saying, "It looks like you're still bleeding."
She unwraps the bandage on her leg. It looks like a fairly nasty wound.
"I'll show you a salve you can make. its not magic but will keep the slow burn away. This will need stitches too. You have a needle and thread?"
The old man works with the young woman to stitch her up and make a salve. While doing so he talks, "You come from deep in the forest and eat the plants of the forest Aiauta. I see this in the way you go out and make good meals from what you find, but this isn't a small protected village. Outside the keep there are dangers. Be careful find your plants close to the keep for now. You will learn and get stronger Then you will be able to venture out."
The young woman frowns, but agrees to him, "I will try to stay closer to the keep. I cannot promise if there are herbs I need but I will do my best."
The old magi pats her on the shoulder, smiling, "Ah the youth always think they are immortal. That will pass eventually. It is enough for now that you will try. And you came back to help the hunter. That was good on you Aiauta. You will make a fine student I think."
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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Master Bartrane has sent me out to give letters to others in the nearby towns and cities. One is a man called Spinie near the city of Solanthus, Another a woman in Solanthus proper Mantos the Herbalist, and the last a herbalist in Garnet. Neither he nor she told me her name.

The entire trip took me a week. On the first night I practiced my elven. I fear my dialect and accent may feel strange to other elves. I practice my words listening closely to how they should be properly pronounced and accented. Until I listen to another of my kind I cannot be sure how far off the my accent is compared to theirs. Sadly I have seen no other elves thus far on my journey. When opportunity affords itself, and I encounter another of my kind I will listen carefully to their speech and accent without speaking myself hopefully I will be able to pick up how the words are said and the differences from my dialect and theirs.

On The second day I neared Solanthus when to my delight I found patches of almost ripened gooseberries winding their way north. Gooseberries! What a marvelous surprise however they can bitter, sweet and sour. And all on the same bush. As I winded my way north collecting them I found a camp of woodcutters. The smell of the wood they cut fills the air with a unique fragrance I find very pleasant. I took to a small hill and watched them for several hours before continuing my collections.

I followed the berries around the camp until I came upon the edge of an old dark forest. I stepped a few feet within along a walking path or animal path. I do not know which perhaps both. The old trees with their many limbs groaned and creaked loudly. The leaves constantly rustled with the breeze. Strange animal noises came from deep within the forest. I started to have the feeling that I was being watched and not by anything of good intent. Retreating slowly I kept my face to the forest until I was within good seeing distance of the log cutters. I then walked back to the crossroads to continue on my journey.

I delivered my letter to Spinie first, and bought a second city dress my old one now slightly bloodstained from the wolf attack a month ago. The next morning I delivered the letter to Mantos. She was happy to receive it. While in Solanthus I bought a new bedroll sleeping at a nearby campsite that night. Then off to Garnet to see the herbalist there.

During the walk to Garnet I reflected upon our small village. I wondered if perhaps I would encounter my real father upon this journey of seeking. Counsel has always been my father. I would never take that away from him and I do love him as any daughter would, but he is not my birth father. I sometimes question the ways of our village being so isolated from the rest of the world. I guess all of those I grew up around that are near my age are questioning this now. Enough writing about depressing subjects. The air is clear and warm the days are pleasant I need to think of the good things I have encountered on my journeys and all the good people that I have met. The walk to Garnet was uneventful other than my contemplative mood. I delivered the letter to the herbalist. She snatched the letter out of my hand and said, "Tis about time Lassie!" Waving me off with her hand I retreated to the road and started walking back to Caergoth.

The road west takes me directly past the waterfall east of Caergoth. This time I was prepared and manage to avoid the packs of wolves that haunt the area. Back at the school I spoke with Master Bartane about the trip and having delivered all the letters. When he was satisfied I went back to my room for some much needed rest.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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The second phase of my education with Master Bartane started off with trade coin. Even with my careful handling of this resource I found that soon I would no longer be able trade with these humans if I kept going. I needed to get to that waterfall so I could make potions from the plants I found along it.

So I braved the wolves with help. I called to me my companion Heckle. Heckle looks like a little dragon with a stinger but his kind are not really related to the huge beasts. In our language they are called sting lizards and they are plentiful in the area. Still the humans seem to take a step back with a bit of reverence when he shows up. They seem to not know the differences. We worked together now that I had time to use my spells and crossbows without the wolves directly attacking me. We soundly defeated them.

We came upon the waterfall. It was very large and beautiful to behold. As I was collecting my plants I found that there was a large cave that smelled bad behind the falls. Heckle being very mischievous and adventurous seemed to want to go into the cave. I acquiesced to his desire. Keeping to the shadows We cautiously walked in, as I threw up my meager spell shields. Rounding the corner Heckle picked out the small green and brown creatures. They were goblins. After a very long and tiring fight. We defeated all of them taking what we could from the cave.

There were chests on a mound. I thought that is where their most valuable items must be. I neared the chests and became sick when I went to walk up upon the mound there must have been a trap. Heckle was sorely wounded from the fight. I was wounded and poisoned, and could not make a potion for a poison I know nothing about. We limped back to the school calling for Master Bartrane.

Master Bartrane chided me more for letting Heckle get hurt than anything else. I was covered with blood some my own but mostly the goblins. He deduced what kind of poison infected me, calling the priestess of Mishakal to help. Then he sat down beside me bed and after hearing the full story said, "You are a surprisingly complex woman, Aiauta. You do not necessary seek out adventure but something within harkens you to go out. I know I can't keep you indoors. After all you're an elf. I can give you some focus. So I will send you as a courier farther than you have been to my associates in distant lands. In between we will study and prepare for your testing."

Over the next week He taught me two new spells The first that he has. The first was a spell to strengthen my frail frame from injury. The second spell casts a permanent illusion of light upon an item. When I had the spell mastered he winked at me saying, "There are a lot of women folk out there that would be very happy to have this spell put on their dresses so they could walk peacefully at night. They would be willing to trade much coin to have a dress like that."

I smiled and thanked him. The first place he sent me was a place called crossings. to deliver supplies to an old pupil of his. I did and sold some dresses I picked up from Gedron. Crossing is a small town it doesn't have the bad smells of Caergoth and much less people. I would have liked it much better if He had placed his school here instead of the crowded smelly city it is in now.

The next place He sent me was a place called Solace where I was to deliver supplies to the mistress there by the name of ilia. She was pleasant enough and even let me trade with her. There were so many students in the school however it made my skin itch. After thinking a moment I will take Caergoth anytime over Solace for I could not stand living in a place with so many students all crammed into rooms that should only hold one.

After my delivery I noticed this was a place of elves. I wandered carefully listening to their talk, language, inflections, and accents. I picked up three separate tones to their speaking. Afterward I got a room at the inn. It exists within a live tree and even has a fireplace. What a wonderful feat of engineering. The city itself is much cleaner than human cities but still there are way too many people for such a small parcel of land.

During my stay I met a tailor of sorts. She wanted to make dresses for me other than the simple robes I wear. She asked me many questions. I told her I was a student of the arcane in Caergoth and a courier for the schools master. I also told her that I sold magic dresses on the side for women in the towns traveled too. The woman got excited and pulled me into the back of her shop. She brought an elven model out near my size and started modeling clothing. I told her I didn't have much of the trading coins used in barter. She dismissed the idea and told me to give her three of my dress inventory and 30 coins. I did and she told me to come back tomorrow.

The next day I arrived. She had three dresses for me two are armored in a light leather underneath to better protect me. The first is a simple dress used for travel. The next a mages robes made to both protect and give me room to use my hands freely. The last is an overly heavy full dress with a felt hat. She told me to wear it when I bartered and I may get a few more trading coin when I sell my dresses. I thanked her and left.

When I got back home to the school I fully invested myself in changing my accent to perfectly mimic the elves as Solace. Hopefully now my speech in elven is more sophisticated than that of an isolated villager. I worked with Master Bartrane on the history of many magical things of the lands and some history of the surrounding nations. He told me that the lore of the lands will help me understand better the ways of the many peoples. With that knowledge I will better be able to pick up an understanding of magic. I'm not sure how that all works but have to trust him on it. He seems a wise man for all his short years.

The latest place he has sent me was to Palanthus. Coming back I got lost within the mountains and encountered bandits. I used the spell of fleeing. Still an arrow found my arm and broke it. I found a strange keep within the ravines where the knights with the help of a priestess healed me. I did stay on the paths of the forest but should have expected bandits or some other nefarious types eventually. I will be more cautious while traveling and bring Heckle with me from now on. He is small but has a very poisonous sting and sharp eyes. Together we will be able to avoid the next ambush if there is one.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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Master Bartrane has been keeping me close to school for many weeks now. He keeps switching my studies instead of letting me absorb them one by one. It can be confusing and frustrating at times. Alchemy, Herbalism...….Hearldry? Why on Krynn would he want me to study heraldry? I've also studied more spellcraft, alterantive methods of casting, More Lore and more lore. He has not teached me any more spells. at least not yet.
Some of the subjects I am fully enjoying. Studying the different disciplines of magic was my favorite that is until I hit a snag. Master Bartrane gave me a small scroll to call forth a ground squirrel. We walked to the jousting fields where there are many of these black and white striped rodents. There under his watchful eye I tried to cast the spell. Here I came upon a problem. No matter how I tried to read it the letters of the spell scroll would not focus for me. It upset me greatly.
He tried giving me other spells to use one that is suppose to cast a giant spiders web across the area. I could not read this spell either.
Master Bartrane was perplexed for but a moment then smiled, "I think I know the problem, here."
He throws an pear to me and yells, "Think quick its an Apple!"
The cantrip came to my mind with almost no thought and as I caught it, the spell had transformed it into an apple.
Master Bartrane laughs, "It's rare to have a mage like this but here is your problem Aiauta. Some people have an affinity for a discipline. They are stronger in it than any other discipline and can learn its nuances quickly. For those rare spellcasters there will be one discipline they cannot learn. You are a what is called a Transmuter. It's no wonder that you have such an affinity for herbalism and alchemy. Its as natural to you as breathing.
But calling forth a creature from the area and conjuring things into creation, that's your flaw."
I questioned, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"It's neither good nor bad. Its like having red hair instead of brown Aiauta. Its just different and now I can tailor your education better now that we know you have a specialty."
I smile and said told him thank you for finding out. We went back to the school and studied more.


I would also like to reflect on the humans I have met while I still have time to write in my journal. Most of the elders of the village view the other races as somehow beneath our people. As if they are not fully evolved. They do have some habits I find completely offensive such as being generally unclean, smelly, and the sheer fact that they are willing to eat flesh; However I have also come to know humans as wildly creative, strong and healthy, inventive, Their energy is insatiable. I find that they are not the beastly beings I have thought but a unique and interesting race which my people could stand beside not in front of.
I hope that after I am finished with seeking that I will write these and other thoughts down about the humans hopefully changing village opinion on them.
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Re: Dragonlance Chronicles Reborn

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I am Remiss! Being a so called transmuter has excited Master Bartrane. He comes to me with a scroll and asks if I understand it, saying it is a way to change my appearance. I accepted the scroll and try to read it. It is a complicated spell called polymorph self. I read the scroll and immediately know that it is much too complicated for me to cast. I look to him and the excitement in his eyes (an excitement I have noticed in many humans of late).
I now have my first true test. Do I...…….attempt the change...……become something different; or do I tell him I am not quite ready for such a complicated spell.
If I attempt to change it is fairly likely he will notice through spellcraft that I am trying to fool him. Do I go through the pain of transformation just to satisfy and feed his ego for my own benefit? Do I tell him I cannot read it?. Can I readily see the disappointment in his eyes?
I struggle with these thoughts for a very long time. I watch his eyes as I deal with this dilemma seeing his curious interest. In the end I know from my heart that I cannot reveal myself even to one that I would call both a mentor and in some ways a grandfather. Seeking for the village is the most important of missions even beyond acquiring license to be a spellcaster among these strange peoples of the realms.
I say to him that I can understand some of the spell but not the entirety.
He looks slightly disappointed but smiles, "It is ok Aiauta. I thought that you may be ready for it. Lets then go over the language of magic."
I heartily agree to the lesson and we move on.
There will be more tests. I know there will be. What I am worried about is this mage test. Will if force me to reveal myself? I hope that the humans have forgotten the distant past and I may pass this test without having to go back home in disgrace by ending my journey before it is finished.
CTP team member
Chief cook and bottle washer for Harvest Moon

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