Lauriella's Last Dance.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

Post by Winterhawk99 »

The group stands around the small platform waiting. Many are watching gnomish pocket watches all synchronized with one another. Lauriella is the first one to look up from her watch. She frowns and looks back down again. For the next hour others along with her occasionally lift their heads and stare at the platform. She finally does an about face and walks into the fort. Several of the others join her to the laboratory which is now extensive and filled with equipment.

She sets her pocket watch down at her desk spreads her hands on the desk and hangs her head looking at the device, “Three and a half years and it still be off. I just do na understand.”

Arelush places her hand on her shoulder. You’re having seizures every 3 months now archmage. Perhaps lay down and think on it.”

“Bah! Not you too now. You me friend.”

“And I am being a friend ma’am”

Lauri slams her fist into the desk, “What the hell am I missing? Seems the more we send the device into the future the more it drifts in co-ordinates: Sometimes too soon, sometimes too late.”

Sakse hearing the conversation goes over to a large wall chart of the stars and stares at it. He then pulls out Lauriella’s old star charts from before she came to Netheril. He looks at the numbers for the stars in the marker constellations very carefully on each map. He then quietly asks for Khyrmn to join him. They talk at some length while Arelush and Lauri speak to one another. When they are finished, they call the two women over.

Sakse asks, “Archmage do you have another chart from another time?”

“I do not. Just the time I left and the time I arrived.”

Khyrmn nods to them. “We think we know the problem but do na have an answer on how to fix it.”

One of the clerics come in. “Ladies, Gentlemen the machine is back. Time was one hour and 35 minutes late.”

The mages all write the time down then Lauri looks again at Sakse and Khyrmn.

Sakse is the one to speak. “We look at these charts and what do we see. We see the positions of the stars. They are marked by both magnitude and placement in the sky. It is a two-dimensional representation. Why is that? Now we look at the Time Navigational spell. It looks like a globe but all the starts on that globe are represented on the outer shell of the globe. So, what we are doing is stretching a chart to wrap around the outer shell of a sphere. So even though our navigational spell looks like it is in three dimensions It is in fact only in two dimensions.
Lauri answers him. “Even though we know that space is three dimensions we depict it by eye in two dimensions but still add our three-dimensional observations to the charts; therefore, we take into account three-dimensional space.”

Khyrmn now speaks, “Aye we did do all that and made calculations on both magnitude and how celestial bodies travel across the sky including Selune. Now as we know since Toril travels around our star as observed by spelljammers and she also spins what do we know if all planets both spin around their stars and on some form of axis? How do we see the moon and stars travel through the sky? Do they travel in a straight line or an arc depicting both three-dimensional space and various spin and rotational vectors?”

Lauri thinks long and hard on what they are trying to say. “I see what you getting at but that all calculated into the equations for the time navigational spell, are they not?”

Sakse nods, “Aye archmage. All except one thing.”

Lauriella considers the direction of the conversation. “Star drift………. but at most between the here and now and my time at most is only three minutes.”

The pair nod to her. Sakse answers, “Yet three minutes can be divided up again into 180 seconds of angle. Because we only have two points of reference, we calculated star drift in straight lines where we all know that in a three-dimensional world all celestial bodies arc across the sky. There would be no reason to believe that star drift goes into a straight line. In fact, that reasoning would be improbable.”

Lauriella looks frustrated. “I see what you are saying but have no solution. We only have two points, and I cannot send the machine some 1500 to 1800 years into the future to test. A month or two is the most I chance on a testing for obvious reasons.”

Thora who has been listening very carefully asks, “So what can we do about it then?”

Lauriella lights her pipe and smokes deeply while thinking, “I say we calculate the maximum drift of the machine in time relative to the target date. If that is acceptable, we must continue and begin with experiments with living creatures in the field.”

As Sakse and Khyrmn profess, “Agreed” Lauriella drops into another set of convulsions brought on by the stress of both the experiment and the aftermath of brainstorming. Luckily Arelush is quick to catch her. She takes Lauriella to one of the beds in the laboratory and calls for the clerics. It will be another week before the experiments may continue in earnest.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

Post by Winterhawk99 »

It’s summer solstice. The air is warmed from a southern wind. The crew of the Moonflower along with their cabin girl now an expert hunter gathers their gear up around the machine. Lauriella walks among them making sure she talks to each in their turn. She saves Arelush and Cyr for the last. Of those she takes up Arelush first.

She hugs the young human woman first then says, “Roll up your sleeve.”

Arelush does. Lauriella takes out a finely created bracelet of silver wire mounted with emeralds from her pocket. She puts it on Arelush’s wrist. “This bracelet comes from an island far to the west. It is said to be my homeland. I want to you have it to remember me by. I hope I do not lose you in my thoughts and remember that I will always watch over you. You have become such an expert huntswoman. I am so proud of you and would call you daughter of mine if you would.” Lauri stops speaking tears in her eyes.

Tears flood Arelush’s eyes as Lauriella places the bracelet on. She hugs the elven as if never wanting to let go. I will always love you as my mother, captain. I knew not my mother or father born into slavery and separated from them at birth as far as I know. You have been the only mother I have known, and I wish not to leave you as you are in trouble. Let me stay and care for you?”

Lauriella smiles as they embrace. “You have your own life, challenges and fortune to embrace. Remember the gods, Arelush. They will frame a path for you to follow. It is up for you though to take that path. If you do, you will see good fortune in your life.”

Lauriella steps back a pace and takes Arelush’s hands in hers. She just stares at the young human with the shaven head and the blue ring she herself tattooed to the girl. Then with a smile and a wipe of a tear she releases her hands moving to her Lieutenant someone she has depended upon for little over a decade now.

They face each other at attention. He gives her a salute and bows slightly. She recognizes him. She undoes the straps to her sword belt and wraps them around the scabbard. She then presents it to him. “I received this rapier when I made captain so long ago. It was in Westgate where I received my promotion after fifty years of service. I know you have not officially made captain, Cyr. I still want you to have it. You deserve it more than I ever had. If only for putting up with your stubborn captain for so long.”

He takes the sword and straps it to his hips. Afterward he once again salutes as she recognizes him, he hugs her and whispers in her ear. “You know, I love you.”

“Aye Cyr I do, but you also know I’m set in my ways. Ye find a nice girl on the other side. Beside I will not live long enough for you to have the time ye should have with ye love. You take care of our boys and Arelush. Let nothing happen to them. Be careful and do nothing foolish. Ye got yer map?


“Giants, hobgoblins and Zhents what ye will find. Avoid them if ye can. Make yer way to Vaasa, Narfell or Cormyr. I gave ye all three routes I think is safest. I love you too ye know. Like the son I never had. Remember the gods and remember that we are of no import to the greater scheme. That reserved for those above. May they guidance show ye the way to the light.”

“Aye, my captain.”

The two release and take a step back. Lauriella goes to the platform where her machine sets. She casts a spell at the left gyro. A large globe surrounds everyone. It is as if night suddenly descends within the sphere on the outer edges the moon and stars shine and can be seen by those within.

Lauriella’s incantation continues. The globe seems to spin, and the stars move quickly around the globe rearranging themselves through her guidance. When she is finished all the heavenly bodies stop.

She now turns on her machine. The second gyro spins for one minute, then two. There is an audible click, and it stops. Everyone can hear a soft high-pitched humming surrounding themselves and feel a tingling throughout their bodies.

Lauriella steps away from the rest of the group in the center around their supplies until she can feel no tingling in her body and no humming in her ears. Then she knows she is out of the effect of the next level spell. A tenth level spell of her and her team’s own creation to fire off the machine and move everything within the sphere 3800 years into the future.

She takes a small hourglass filled with diamond dust out of her pocket. She begins a long incantation that takes thirty minutes. When she completes the spell there is a sonic boom that springs forth from the machine. A chronomantic wave of magical energy explodes from the center of the machine that can be felt by every mage all the way down to the southern reaches of the Netheril empire. Time in the region is temporarily stopped for but a moment. After that moment all her men and their equipment are gone including her machine.

She looks out to where her men were. “The gods bless ye and may ye all find yer way home. I loved you all as my crew, my sons…. Daughter, and shipmates. Good-bye and good shores to you all.”

Afterward she starts to fall. The cleric beside her is ready and catches her as she goes into convulsions.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Tomlin Ukavich comes into the office to meet Master Cresquas when invited in. The Master one of the oldest now at the university has balding white hair and a sever limp from a long-term fight with gout. Tomlin helps him to his desk then goes around to the chair on the other side of it.

“Apprentice Ukavich I wonder what the urgency is about that has you so excited to see me?”

“Greetings, Master Cresquas. I was doing research on Jeriah Chronos and came across these notes in hieroglyphics in the archives. I cannot read them, but I see the magic formulas and equations. They are like mine but so much more refined.”

“Well, let me have a look then.” Tomlin slides the papers to Cresquas. He examines them a very long time. Then closes them up.”

“I remember this. This is Lauriella Sithmores work. Been a very long time since I’ve heard that name. Near thirty years in fact.”

“She still alive?”

“Not sure. She left the school just before the mercenary war. She tried to warn us it was coming in fact, but no one believed her. Even tried to take over special projects for it but a journeywoman no matter how well trained and experienced could never have such a large task as that.”

“What happened to her?”

“From what I hear she took ill on a journey to Ascore. Parked her ship somewhere up north and continued her research with the Elves of Cormanthor and the Dwarves of Ascore.”

“Could you tell me about her, master Cresquas? Perhaps where she might be located if she is still alive?”

“Not sure if that’s a good idea Tomlin. Lauriella is a hard woman. She was a merchant marine captain for over two centuries before she even came to Netheril.”

“Please, If I could even just interview her it may help my work immensely.”

Cresquas rubs his chin and thinks a while before answering. “Aright but I’m afraid you will probably get nowhere with her. If you are determined to meet here have fair warning. She has become very reclusive and has the assistance of a dragon knight along with a strong learning in both necromancy and chronomancy. I would not be surprised if you went there and disappeared.”

“Ok. I get the warning, please I beg of you this could help my research into completing some of Jeriah Chronos’s theories he never finished.”

Cresquas nods, “Captain Lauriella Sithiir maiden name Sithmore is a sun elven woman that came to Netheril some 35 years ago. She previously lived in Mulhorand. She was trained in Mulhorand necromancy and wears the robes of one but is in fact a mage. The robes are the part of their guild she belongs to. She is an expert in the positive and negative material planes and their energies. She also studied chronomancy here at the school and with master Tolinus in Covington. She speaks several languages including Elven of course, Chessantian, Mulhorandi, Damarian and Shou.

We don’t know the nature of her sickness other than it is chronic and stopped her adventuring. We also do not know why she choose to align herself with Cormanthor and Ascore instead of here with us.

It is also known that she is an engineer. She designed her own ship and continues to design other devices and small seaworthy craft. You see the 25-35 private sailboats that have popped up along the docks the last 20 years?”

“Yes. You can buy one from the elven merchants in Southbank and Hadrian.”

“They say that those ships were designed by Lauriella. The elves of Cormanthor have made quite the coin from them. They also say she also consults with explorers and others time to time when they find her ship, but it depends upon her mood. Sometimes she just turns them away. Other times she will speak and far as rumor goes, she’s never failed to help any she knows are in trouble. Still, she seems to have picked up a dislike for humans in general. I would say do the research yourself. Lauriella Sithmore is not worth the time. It will take longer but I have confidence in you that you will accomplish your task.”

Tomlin studies the Master and says, “You know where she is Master Cresquas. If anyone knows where every archmage makes their home: it would be you.”

The old master sighs, “I will tell you but if you get struck by a necrotic bolt or explode from her filling you up with life energy don’t say I didn’t warn you. She’s on the northeastern leg of the narrow sea between the paw islands and the western slope of the channel.”

Tomlin stands and bows slightly, “Thank you, Master.”

Cresquas moves his hand toward the door. Tomlin leaves intent on doing some heavy research. The subject: Lauriella Sithmore.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Lauriella wakes up to shouting on the top deck and a splitting headache. She sits up and pours herself a glass of whiskey, listening to the muffled sounds along the deck. She gets up stretches and finishes the whiskey before strolling to where she can shout out to her elven caretaker. “WHAT’S ALL THE RUCKUS ABOUT AOFINN!?”




Lauri dresses in her necromancer robes leaving her cowl off She walks up on deck and to the gunwale where a heated conversation is going on. Aofinn stops talking as she looks to the problem. She sees a young human in Nebular apprentice robes in a 30ft Cat holding on to his mast. The sails are wrapped, and the anchor is laid.

“Nothing for you here, apprentice. Bugger off.”

“Please here me out, archmage.”

Lauri turns to her nurse. The elven shrugs her shoulders, “He would not listen to me. I told him you were sleeping and didn’t want to be disturbed. He started being annoying about a ½ hour ago. Said he doesn’t have the supplies to get back and he’ll sit here and starve rather than turn back…………please don’t kill him.”

She turns back to the man, “See those buoys in the distance? Those mark my waters. You trespassing! Now fuck off before I get angry. You little ship not across them buoys by the time it take the sun to reach the next hour: I’ll sink you!”

“Mrs. Sithiir. I’m studying Chronomancy at the university. I want to do for sorcery what you and Jeriah did for mages and complete your work. I want to learn for you. I’ll pay you.”

“Sorcery! Should have figured you a sorcerer with that pretty face. Humans don’t deserve the magic of time. You shortsighted, short lived, hairless apes never appreciate the magics ye wield. All through my life I see humans misuse magic and cause chaos everywhere they practice. Sorcerers even worse! No Discipline! Now Fuck off and go Bugger yerself!”

“Archmage, I used all my supplies getting here. I cannot go back.”

“Just like I said. Short lived and shortsighted. You supplies not my concern. Ye got yourself a ½ hour now to get off me fucking water and don’t think I don’t own the land surrounding either.”



The adult dragon lifts its head out of the water and Lauriella watches the fear of the gods come into the man’s eyes. He quickly cranks out the sail and leaves the area as fast as he possibly can. She breathes a sigh of relief.

“Thank you for not killing him, Hemet.”

“Should have been able to handle him, ye damn nursemaid. Why do I have ye on me ship if you can't take care of such a small problem?”

“Remember your contracts, Hemet. When you fall, I need to be there to catch you and care for you. You would have been dead already if not for the priests and priestesses of Naralis.”

“Bah, you just want me for what I can design and spell for ye. You more spy than anything else.”

“That’s not true, Hemet. I’m not saying anymore until you change or go back to sleep. Your such an asshole in those robes.”

“At least do something useful. Take down those lines on the Mizzen and put new ones on. Hard to maintain a ship this size with only two people on board. That’s an order.”

Lauri sees the priestess about to say something then checks herself. She mouths an elven exclamation under her breath but says, “Aye, ma’am”

Lauriella goes back to midships and to her bed exhausted by the drama of the last hour.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Tomlin walks through the bustling city filled with dwarves, Elves of all kinds and many Netherese merchants and mages looking for trade in Ascore: A hub of commerce between the major nations in central Faerun for some time. He walks along looking for a certain tinker and having no luck. He stops eating a light lunch at a local tavern and continues his trek to the upper quarters.

In one shop he meets and old gnomish fellow that directs him to the very upper quarter to a shop called Magical Inventive Contraptions. As he walks in a young dwarven lad is at a counter filled with devices some as small as a watch, others as a coconut.

“What can I do for ye, sir?”

“Looking for a Tinkerer by the name of Thora?”

“Mom in the back working on some new contraption of hers. You picking up or dropping off or looking to buy?”

“Looking to buy actually but not any device just some information.”

“Sorry, Mom don’t sell her secrets.”

“It’s not about her secrets. It’s about an elven by the name of Lauriella Sithiir.”

“Can’t promise you she’ll agree to meet being that she’s in deep with her tinkering, but I’ll give her a try. How much this information worth to you?”

“I would be willing to give her 500 gold for an hour or so of her time.”

“I would go back and get her for 750 gold and a 100, and not telling mom about the 100.”

Tomlin raises an eyebrow, “Enterprising little thief aren’t you. I’ll give you the 100 and 6 for your mom.”

The young man whistles while collecting the gold, “I guess that will do. I’ll go get her.” He runs to the back while Tomlin grumbles, “You do that.”

A middle age dwarven woman comes out. She has a short beard and curly brown hair. “Morning apprentice what can I do for you?”

“Apprentice Tomlin Ukavich. Looking for some information of Archmage Lauriella Sithmore.”

“Lauri don’t see anyone anymore except friends of hers. Why do you want to disturb an old dying woman? Or is this just research?”

“She looked young enough to me and what a bitch!”

Thora chuckles, “Tried seeing her already have you. Bet she was wearing the white robes then.”

“Matter of fact she was. Look I want to do some research in chronomancy and she’s the foremost expert but says she won’t teach any humans. I’m in a quandary because I know just a few hours with her will catapult my studies by several years.”

“You’re right on all accounts. She is the foremost expert now. I even see her time to time about designs I have in my head. She draws them up for me and we work together for a week or two till it's done but not in the last 2 years or so. You’re right she won’t teach humans. And you’re also right in that she probably could help you immensely. But where do we go from there? Like she said herself she won’t teach humans.”

“Why does she hate humans so much if she was a journeywoman in Conch? I don’t understand.”

“Matter of fact she doesn’t hate humans. Almost all her crew were human, and she loved each and every one like a son. What she doesn’t like is what humans do with the gifts of magic. All through her life she’s seen humans abused the power of magic to their own shortsighted ends. Chronomancy is extremely powerful magic. With it you can change the past or the future if you learn to understand enough of it. It’s not like pulling a rabbit out of the hat or throwing a fireball. The repercussions of using such magic could have profound consequences for the whole of the world.

Lauriella does not believe that humans can handle such a great responsibility and to tell truth I kind of agree with her seeing what Netheril as a whole has become.”

“So, what you are saying is that there is no way the archmage will teach a human any of the art of time magic?”

“Maybe, Tomlin. You have a patron deity?”

“I have to admit that most mages at the university do not, but I do worship Amaunator. What does that have to do with anything?”

“Lauri is a fervent worshiper of Sehanine or if you will Selune. She sees the two as one in the same, but she has lived along humans most of her life, so I guess it fits. If you, as she would say have nothing bigger than yourself, I know for a fact she would never teach you and this conversation would be over.”


“However, there may be a chance for you Tomlin. The same injury that happened when she was young has given her a mental condition. Lauriella extremely damaged her head. The way the enchantress explained it Lauriella cannot feel the full range of emotions at once, so she developed several personalities to cope with it. She is still Lauriella but her personality changes with what she wears. Sometimes subtlety sometimes severely. You saw the necromancer. Those are her at her worst. She won’t listen to anyone and becomes the nastiest, shrewdest side of her personality. She won’t give a shit about anything but the immediate goal such as stopping a pirate from boarding her. She only wears those robes if her, her ship or her people are in eminent danger.”

“So, tell me about these personalities?”

“I’ll go by the way the enchantress explains them and the ques we took off her men as we observed them. The first is The Captain. In this façade she either wears an officers sailing uniform with a blue overcoat or a dress uniform. Here Lauriella is a no nonsenses leader fully involved in commanding her men and sailing. Her talk is mostly in shorter clips and she adds more sailor lingo into what she says.

The second is the engineer or working Lauri. Here she considers herself just a member of the crew focused on working. She’s talkative and relates with others the best in this personality. She focuses on work and relating with others. Even when engineering often asking advice of others that know more of a subject than she. The engineer wears a white silk shirt and blue trousers.

The journeyman mage is a supple difference. Here she is both a thinker and advisor often giving advice to those around her or relating to old experiences to take on or help others with their own trials and tribulations. This Lauriella is a very subtle difference from the engineer. You really have to listen to her to tell the difference and the ideas and feelings to tell these two apart. And it’s also the two most public forms she takes. She has known about her problem a long time and hides in these two forms. They are her public face away from the ship unless doing business when she’s in a dress uniform.

There’s the mother. We always questioned why she often wore her short clothes around her men when she wakes up. Bloomers, nightgowns and the like, but ship life is very different from what most of us are use too. There is hardly any privacy and in fact there was some tension at first between the research team and her crew until we understood.

It’s also the only time the crew call her something else besides Captain or Ma’am. We studied her in that condition and found out that is when the men come to her with their problems or needs. She counsels them just like a mother. In this form she has the most empathy. It’s not good to approach her when she’s like this if you don’t know her well. You’ll get a tongue lashing and her men would become quite agitated and aggressive in her support if you do.

The last at least that the enchantress has figured out, there may be many more personalities, is what she calls The Maiden. This is anytime Lauriella is in a dress.

Elves have a monthly celebration in the name of their moon goddess. Every time Selune shows her full face: Elven women who worship Sehanine dance between midnight and the first hour. If their lovers are male, they watch if their lovers are female they dance together. Afterward they make love under the light of the moon in celebration of each other and the goddess. The dance is meant to be very enticing to lovers, so each woman has their own dance showing off their best features. It seems prolonged exposure to the dance will eventually enthrall the woman’s lover to be closer to her in spirit as well as in life to keep the long-lived elves partnership strong. Sometimes whole communities participate together but each having their own sweet it seems to be no problem.

With Lauriella there is a huge problem. When she wears a dress it’s the only time she seems fearful of any she does not know and extremely submissive to anyone she knows and trusts. Sometimes she is also fearful of these like her own Lieutenant. We are not even sure that Lauriella in a dress can cast spells. We also noticed that it is the only time her face changes physically. She’s been in a position of responsibility all her life. That kind of life left the stress on her face. You can tell just by looking at her the hard life she has had. When she wears a dress the lines fade. The tightness in her jaw relaxes as if all the world no longer matters to her. She looks a century younger.

The first time she danced while we were with her some of the elven expedition wanted to join her to also dance. Her lieutenant went crazy and shot one of the males as they tried to board the ship. He took an arrow to the knee. Lauriella went completely off balance and jumped off her own ship in freezing water swimming to the opposite shore and running away as fast as she could across an island.

When she came back and changed, she was so angry that she attacked the other elves straight off. If not for the enchantress and her counter spells, we may not have survived the magical onslaught. That’s how we figured out she remembers everything. She knows what’s going on. She just cannot help but be the clothing she wears and her own inner definition of what that clothing entails.”

“I almost feel sorry for her and wonder how she’s been able to keep this secret so long?”

“My only guess is that because she is at sea more than on land. She can keep it within the crew for the most part and has been extremely careful about what she wears on land within any society.”

“So, if I want to learn from her, it seems I must catch her as the Journeywoman or Engineer.”

“Aye and figure out what she loves most in this world. Her true love is unreachable by millennia; her men are gone. She only has one thing left that she truly loves.”

A surprised look of understanding goes off in Tomlin’s head. “Thank you, Thora, Thank you very much.” He hands her a large bag of coins. “A bonus for the information.”

She sweeps the bag up and places it behind the counter, “Still doesn’t mean you will get anywhere with her, but you got a chance now. And don’t be mentioning my name. The only reason I’m telling you this is because I know of her struggles being a friend. I know the loneliness is almost overbearing for her.

If you succeed in your endeavor and hurt her in anyway there will be a hundred elves and dwarves that will hunt you down. We won’t kill you. We’ll make you wish for death every day of your long life.

Lauriella Sithmore underneath all her problems is a wonderful and good person. She’s got a lot of allies that watch over her and love her. Be forewarned.”

Tomlin gets a most serious look. “I would not hurt her even if she presses me now that I know all of what you have told me. Well met and good fortunes Thora. I have a lot of work to prepare for.”

“Good day to you, Apprentice Ukavich.”
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

Post by Winterhawk99 »

The sparrow hawk strafes the ship circles it once and flies off in the direction of the old fort. Lauriella in her work clothing watches its path narrowing her eyes as a male elven comes on deck with two cups of coffee.

“Lauri? What’s going on?”

“Just got strafed by a bird. Small hawk, I think. Circled once and took off to the fort, Edyrm.”

The moon elven looks around the horizon. “Nothing here but us, Lauri. Here have some coffee and I got your pipe too.”

“Thank, ye.”

“What are we doing today?”

She looks around the moonflower. Now that she has been several decades moored and with only two occupants able to care for her the ship is in a slow state of deterioration. Lauriella takes note of it while sipping her coffee. When the cup is dry, she lights her pipe and speaks. “We need to hoist anchors one by one and grease the chains.”

“Don’t think we can get done with it in a day. Not even sure only the two of us can handle the cranks.”

“I put my rings and belt on it will be no problem.”

“Alright then”

The two work pulling the first anchor up When it’s done Lauri handles the crank slowly link by link letting down while Edyrm cleans and degreases it. As they are almost done the sparrow hawk comes back with a thrush in its claws. It lands on the upper crossbar of the foremast proceeding to tear the other bird apart for the juicy organs. Lauriella almost slips scaring the hell out of her companion. He moves like lightning to get out of the way of the chain in case Lauriella loses control. She takes a deep breath again straining at the task of holding her position. “You alright?”

“Yes. You scared the hell out of me!”

“Aye getting old. Looks like that fellow back and making a home on the moonflower. What you think?

“Leave it be. No one around for fifty or so miles, and it seems to be just an animal.”

“Maybe, Edyrm, maybe. Glad I have a man nursemaid this time. You at least useful.”

Edyrm laughs and shakes a finger at her. “We learned a lot about how you are Lauri. I won’t bother you about doing anything dangerous. What will happen will happen. Besides you need a lot of help around here maintaining the ole girl. A man is better than a woman for that.”

She raises and eyebrow, “Least you willing to learn. Some of them completely useless.”

“Aye, captain. Let us get back to work then.” The pair work the rest of the day on the other forward anchor.
The next day the hawk is still there but flies off as soon as they come up on deck. The two start on the two aft drag anchors. As they are working Lauriella notices that there seems to be a wake of something moving underwater toward them from the bow of the ship.

“Something moving to us, Edyrm be ready.”

“Do you have time for mage robes.”

Lauri looks at the speed of the ripples and shakes her head. Just at that time a small craft comes out of a cloak of invisibility. It’s the sorcerer that tried to board the ship some two summers ago. The moon elven stands back so she can take the lead but prepares a clerical spell in case things get ugly. Lauriella steps up to the gunwale. “Thought I told you to bugger yourself couple year ago!”

The young man looks up at her and waves, “Fifteen minutes, Captain. I only need fifteen minutes.”

Lauriella crosses her arms, “You got ten minutes if you answer one question truthfully. Only ten. If you go over, I’ll call Clyde again and this time I’ll order him to make a snack of you.”

“What’s the question, Ma’am”

“What’s the birds name?”

“Darl’in is her name.”

Lauri turns her waist to look in the cleric's eyes in an ‘I told you so’ way. Then she turns back to Tomlin. “Ten minutes.” She pulls a gnomish watch from her pocket and presses a button.

“You were right the university is corrupted by many things. I quit as an apprentice. I want to learn from you archmage so I went to the Hadrian shipyard and studied shipbuilding for two years. I have come back ready to help you maintain the Moonflower in exchange for learning from you.

With the three of us we can get her shipshape and squared away, every bolt, crank and board. I’m ready to work hard to earn my keep and your trust. That’s all I have to say.”

Lauriella paces the deck while she talks thinking, “You a religious man, Mr.…….”

“ Ukavich, Tomlin Ukavich. I am. My patron is Amaunator.”

She throws him down a rope. “You say you can maintain a ship. Means you had to start with the basics. Show me a Trucker’s Hitch.”

He quickly ties a knot and throws it back up to her. She examines it closely, “Lucky guess.” She untangles the line and throws it back down. “Inside Clinch”

Again, he ties the knot and throws it up to her. After inspecting it she unwinds it again throwing it back down to him. “Rattail Stopper”

This time he takes the rope and winds it around one of his own, tying a knot along the way. She watches carefully. When he’s finished, she paces again. I’ll offer you a five-year contract. If you can get this ship back too new in five years, I’ll teach you my magic.”

“I respectfully refuse such a contract, Archmage. I have a counter proposal. I will not be a sign on to a crew. I am willing to be an independent contractor. This way you may fire me at any time. If I do get this ship back to working order in five years and you haven’t fired me then on your word you will teach me chronomancy.”

“You ever lie to me. You’re finished. I’ll forcefully remove you from inside my territory and make sure you never return. On full moon you will be locked in one of the holds until my nurse comes for you.

Tomlin nods, “Then it is a deal, Captain Lauriella Sithmore?”

“It’s a deal.” Tomlin climbs aboard. The two shake hands.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

Post by Winterhawk99 »

The two walk slowly around the deck of the Moonflower, while another watches keeping their distance but ready to act when needed but careful not to disturb either of them. Of the pair: One is dressed in a cerulean blue overcoat made of otter skin. The other simple mage robes, flowing and gold in color.

“You kept your promise, and I have kept mine. Why do you stay? Your still young enough to enjoy the power I have taught you, fall in love, have a family. Staying in this desolate wasteland? You do not deserve it.”

“I have my reasons.”

“I’m over four hundred years old.”

“You need a friend besides a cleric guard. Besides I help you with your own work even though I am no genius mage. I worry about you. Your seizures are coming at least once a month, sometime twice.”

“I’m not afraid of death. Tis another reason you should go. I feel I have stolen so much of your youth here with me.”

“My choice. You see in staying with you I found something far greater than magical power or knowledge.”

The woman sighs making the man laugh and remarks, “It’s not what you think”

“Isn’t it?”

“Perhaps a little but that’s not the reason.”

“Enlighten me, then.”

“It’s like when you are young, and your birthday comes. You know there is a gift from your parents at the end of dinner. You anticipate it a doll or a figure of a knight on a horse because that is what you wanted. They give you your gift and when you open it instead of what you want it’s a book.”

She gives him a quizzical look.

“Ah! At first you are disappointed and leave it in your bedroom unopened. Then you become curious after the disappointment ends. You open it and begin to read. You find inside a world much greater and having more depth than any old doll or knight. You find thoughts, reflections, the past, present sometimes the future. Sometimes you find things that challenge your ideas on life itself.

That is what I have found here. A book of depth I have never anticipated. A book whose pages within I have learned not only technicalities but also the deeper things in life, here with you.”

“Don’t see how. I’m of no import to the greater scheme.”

“Are you not? Think of all the men and women you have changed. Think of all the inventions you have designed to make other’s lives better. Think of all your achievements including getting people to their rightful place. And do not give me that false humility. You are a humble woman, but you are proud of what you have accomplished too.”

“I am still not the person I wanted to be. I have failed in living up to my own standards. I’ve made grave errors in my life. You are a better person by far than I.”

“And I would say that you think too little of yourself. I am no better than you. We are just a bit different in our perception of the world. As you look up to me for my steady resolve, I look up to you for your ability to adapt. We all have a place where we can do the best in life. You have found and accomplished that. I still have much to do.”

“Another reason to leave and find those things.”

The man grins, “Oh I have found those things. I simply need to accomplish them now. Until then I will stay here and help you.”

“You’ve maintained the Moonflower well after a decade now. She still looks like she come out of dry dock. I should bequeath her to you.”

“Don’t, I see the worried look on your face and have read enough of mulan custom to know what concerns you. You worry for your spirit and if it is light enough to ascend into the heavens even though you are elven. You do not know if your spirit will be picked up by your deity in the void or must be weighed first.

Let that not concern you. If you go before me, I will have the sea take you with your treasure.”
“What about you?”

“I have somewhere to go. Besides you could live another fifty years. I will not by any means.”

The woman looks sadly too him, “I believe that’s the first lie you ever told me.”

“We do not know what the gods have in store. There is always hope while we live. There is always a chance to change a life for the better as long as there is hope.”

She stops and looks down thinking about what he said. He gently takes her chin and pulls it up, so her eyes meet his. “What are you thinking?”

“There’s a full moon tomorrow. I will no longer lock you in the hold. I will dance for you.”

“Are you sure?”

She nods tears in her eyes. He hugs her.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

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As they lay in bed, he holds her protectively. Her face against his chest finding comfort in his embrace. He strokes her hair. “I don’t think I’ll make into the morn'in.”

“You said that last night.”

“My ears bleed almost every day now. I lose time every week.”

“Another day is another chance to reap the rewards of life.”

“I’m so tired.”

“I know.”

“I see them. Those in the past I have loved and cared about. So many, too few.”

“Memories of a life well spent. A life that has changed the world for the better in its small part. I am honored to be one of those loves.”

“I think for the first time in my life I am scared of what comes.”

“You will find her my dear. Your Alluin.”

“What of you? What of all the others? Have I been selfish in my needs?”

“That’s my Lauri. Always thinking of others first. All that have chosen to love you have chosen of their free will. It is an easy thing. The others will find a place in the heavens. You will find her and be one. Purified and innocent once again like two newborns with one spirit to share.”

“You are too good for me.”

“Sleep. You will need your rest in the morn. We’ll share a cup of coffee with Evelin sitting at the bow watching the world turn. It’s high summer. There should be a southern breeze to keep us in comfort. It will be a good day.”

“Aye.” She snuggles up tighter within his grasp and goes to trance. What memories she sees he does not know. He hopes they are the memories of warmth and comfort.

Late at night she goes into convulsions. He doesn’t move, rather he hugs her tightly, trying to stop the shaking of her body. When she is done a stream of blood flows out of her ear. The stream flows down her face to his forearm. Her body loses its heat. He does his best to wipe the blood from her face. It pools below them into the sheet. He doesn’t care.

He holds her the rest of the night until morn: Until Evelin knocks on the door wondering why the couple missed morning coffee.

“It is done Evelin. Our intrepid Captain is now in the hands of the gods.”

Evelin has to pull the Tomlin off Lauriella’s body. She takes the stricken man to the galley where she consoles his loss.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

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They dress the ashen face body in her moon dress. Evelin asks if it should be something else. Tomlin replies that no Lauriella would want to go to the heavens innocent and free, that she may walk through the gates as the maiden to find her true love. They perfume her with sandalwood and myrrh, then carefully wrap her body. Between the wrappings they place moonflowers and gold coins to weigh her down. When all is done Tomlin places her in her cabin. Tucked under the sheets of the bed she slept in for centuries. He places the rest of her moonflowers around her.

When finished the two-heave anchor and set out for the northern most deep channel of the narrow sea far north of Harborage. When they find their destination, they are not alone. Two massive dwarven stone ships and two elven corsairs greet them far enough away not to be caught in the moonflower’s suction when she goes down. People Lauriella knew in life line the gunwales of the four vessels awaiting Tomlin’s flag signal.

There is a ceremony of sorts as a priestess of Sehanine comes aboard the moonflower with Tomlin and Evelin. When finished Tomlin strikes a torch and places it to the deck. All who view the ceremony then place their hands over their hearts and bow their heads in a Mulhorandi salute to the captain that changed their lives. Tomlin, Evelin and the Priestess scramble to his Catalina and sail as quickly from the giant of a ship as fast as they can.

The Moonflowers 1rst and 8th holds blow out and she starts to sink. A small boy looks up at his mother, “Will she be remembered mother Orama?”

Liluth looks down at her son, “Captain Sithiir will not be remembered for her magic, engineering or inventions my son. She will be remembered through the people she changed in life. The people she made all the better for knowing her. That is her greatest achievement. Could one ask for better?”

The child looks up at her, “I hope to do you proud in the same way.”

The woman simply nods as the mainmast disappears to the depths.

The three in the cat make for shore. Tomlin disembarks and watches as the two women sail to an elven corsair. They latch on. The other ships one by one make a turn and head to their ports of call. When all are gone, he steps along the tundra for an hour. When all is quiet and peaceful, he starts his spell, shaping raw magic as his calling being a sorcerer.

He shapes a sphere with stars along its edge then with great precision the stars turn along the outside of the globe stopping when he is satisfied. When that is complete, he shapes again. The stars, sun and moon move again. He explains “That is where I want to go and when.”

Finishing that he begins a spell again shaping the raw magic within the globe he created. When done there is a black pinpoint the size of a walnut at the globes center. It expands then lights up. Within the globe he sees a prairie of elven horses feeding upon the grasslands. Pixies and other small fey dance in the foreground. He looks behind him for but a moment saying, “Your love was stolen by someone unworthy. That can change.” He then steps through the portal without a second glance back.
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Re: Lauriella's Last Dance.

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Giving this a bump so that Lauriella's story is in chronological order bottom of the form to top.
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