Brath Vail
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Hello, my fellow Tuna Tacticians. I have done it. I have left the cruel world of Kyrnn where a woman stole all my magic almost killed me only to be almost skewed to death by other mages. I have found a new home. It is The City of Sigil, The City of Doors, The Nexus of the Multi-Universe. I think I may just be a superhero now……….Well superhero’s need to kill others, so it isn’t me.

It is wonderful to be here and see all the new people. I stayed out in public for two days, was dragged kicking and screaming into a………Tower of Despair! Unfortunately, I have yet to find a good fishing hole. Now that I am in Sigil however, I will have to change the name of my book to Brath's Guide to Fishing the Multi-universe or fishing with the Heros and Heroines of Multiverse! That’s Right It’s just not Thain! It’s not Just Toril or even Toril and Krynn but the whole of the Muli-universe! Ah, I am in heaven.

What I can write about are those Zaney, Mischievous mentally deficient Adventures. Some would give their right arm for you……LITTERALY! Some would tear your right arm off, beat you bloody and roasted it over the fire for a snack. Let’s face it good folk of the universe Good or Bad, Individual or insanely socialistic and all of them completely insane we need them to keep the universe in check and sane for the rest of us good folk.

I’ll tell you about some of the people I met. The first is a paladin of helm from my own home world Toril. He comes from the country of Tethyr along the sword coast very near my own father’s home. Now you would think paladin of Helm……How dull! I bet you can already here him marching down the street screaming like a madman…. "I AM GOOD! IAM THE LAW! IAM JUSTICE!” But no! He was cool as a cat laying in a window. He was like, “Man I was doing my duty and all and all of the sudden found myself in this strange city called Sigil.

It seems that Theorius the paladin, member of the order of Oathsworn, was tasked with containing the undead in the dread Duskwood forest. He lost his way after eating some inviting mushrooms and the next thing you know he was here. Do you think his laid-back attitude was because he was still affected by the mushrooms? Do you think some form of divine intervention or demonic hand touched him to have him wind up in Sigil? I’m not sure we will ever know. Maybe he’s taken a liking to those mushrooms and just watches the pretty colors in the square but all I know he is one cool cat.

There is Felonia a cute girl that’s a member of the Athas faction in the city. Factions run, ‘The day to day’, she said. She also told me that Athas believes the gods are just overpowered adventurers that pick-up followers and become gods……. Thats what mom believes! Maybe Mother was in the Athas faction at one time…. Who knows. All I know is I still have her heel mark as she kicked me out of the damselfly on the Island of Thain! She talked to me a lot about the city and even showed me how to get a portal key.

My fellow fisherman there has come a woman in my life once again. A woman that wants to corrupt this good soul to do so much evil. I see it in her great big green eyes. She’s a rakshasa by the name of Rambha. Yes, my fellow fishing enthusiasts. Her words are like honey and her pelt looks so warm, soft and cuddly, but her smile is all you need to know to know she’s up to something. Every time she smiles, she shows all those big, really big sharp teeth……. And that’s just her canines! She’s one of the two adventurers that took me to that tower of despair! I will write about it.

A man named Ajumat and Rambha found out I was both a mage and sorcerer and they dragged me kicking and screaming away from the square. “You need a good adventure, Brath!”

“Mother!?” I muttered but was soon following them.

They took me through a portal to a whole new world! The world had so many interesting herbs. I wanted to pick and study them, but they said “NO!” It’s too dangerous to go off the path. I wonder what horror lays in wait for unwary adventurers that go off the path…. They never said. We get to the tower. Each of us has to pull a key from a box and up we go through the tower section by section.

My fellow line leaners. You know how I adore having to kill. They said that is ok. Put your protective spells on and throw grease as much as you can. So, I did. Level by level we faced foe after foe and succeeded to near the top. I fell three times, but my brave companions got me back up and healed me.

Up and up, we went until we faced a flock of cockatrices. They are mean and fast. Faster than a sword fish on a line. We fought them and fought them, but it was too much, we all fell and had to be carried all the way to the bottom again. There we rested and licked our wounds. We left somewhat disheveled and dejected.

Later as I was discussing how to merge my sorcery with my mage craft Rambha said that I should summon devils to help me. Folks she’s trying to bump me further and further to doing evil. It’s an insidious plan but I’m on to her. She would use and abuse me then throw my carcass away after she’s had her fill. I just know it. We all know that feeling. However, Mother always said to be polite in these situations and observe. So, I will. Of course, mother is a crazy insane adventurer too. I will figure it out folks of the fishing persuasion. Not to worry. Brath will remain Brath forever besides there’s so much more fishing to do.

The last person I would like to mention is Ceptus. He’s an ancient priest I think of Waukeen. You know he’s been adventuring for a while because he pretends to mix up words like he’s senile until you start to talk about something he is keen on. Especially money and investment. Then he’s as lucid as a scholarly wizard. He plays a game with adventurers I think to see if he can con them. I play into his crazy moments and some of the conversations turn out quite funny. I think he’s on to me being on to him now because the last day I was in public he was more lucid than not.

As you can see, my theories are holding up. The more you adventure the more insane you become. We need them to help keep us safe. Just make sure to feed them with an open hand otherwise you might lose a finger.
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Good morning my fellow Rudder Scudders, I am back after 2 days of winding the dizzying streets of Sigil. I have still not found a good fighting hole, but I will continue to search until I find the perfect place to lay down a line and catch another Finnigan. What I will tell you about is what I did during my 2-day sabbatical from my dreary magic studies and all the strange, comical, manic and sometimes psychotic adventurers I have met along the way.

The first thing I did was go to the fulcrum to meet both old and new friends. My fellow fishing friends I was not there for more than an hour when a small goblin with an antlered helmet on carrying a giant two-handed sword as big as me started to try to sneak up upon one of my friends. He was in bright green armor though so everyone could see him. He would hide behind a pillar. Tip-toe to behind a trash bin then he bravely started to slowly walk up behind us step by slow step when all of a sudden, POW!

The goblin had been so involved in intently sneaking up on us that a harmonious guard in plate armor snuck up on him and hit him over his itty-bitty head with a great big club! The guard grabbed the unconscious goblins ankle and dragged him off to a deep dungeon in the Harmonious headquarters probably never to be seen again.

Shortly after a Harmonious office stood slightly away from the fulcrum for almost the full 2 days I was up and about watching all the adventurers. He was probably spying on us all. Beware the Harmoniums. They have monsters to feed deep within their damp, hot dungeons.

I also met some new very scarry people called Dooom! Lords! One by the name of Katya and another by the name of Nullus. The scared the gods right out of me! Ummm I don’t think I want to join their faction. They are the 2nd creepiest bunch in Sigil. The creepiest are the Dustmen but I’ll get to them. You think Doomlords are scarry. Dustmen make them look like Saintly grandfathers.

I really want to talk about wisplings in this article. Wisplings are halflings that have a little bit of demon blood in them. I think the night hags may make them. Though I will have to read up on that. I met two very nice wisplings one by the name of Sassy and another by the name of Vilby. Vilby is a girl too. I think, but you never know what demon blood can do to you.

Vilby gave me a story about how she grew up and how she ESCAPED. Yes, I said, escaped, to Sigil. I will tell it all to you in her own words. Only putting in a bit of flare for her here and there.

“I grew up in Niflhiem.” That’s a particularly nasty part of Hades, my friends. It is a land of cold despair. A realm the air, cold and dripping in misty shadow that suck all hope from a traveler as a vampire lover. This second layer of The Grey Waste with its ever-present fog covers the whole of the landscape whispering stories of loss and abandonment to all who venture here. It is a place where Night Hags connive their schemes and predators silently stock the unwitting guest. Vilby was born there in a place where gargantuan spiders make their nests.

“I grew up in a cage inside the hut of a Night Hag by the name of Annie Phylaxis: I and 12 other wisplings being hin that’s got some meaner blood in them like tiefling. She was raising us for some form of spell, and every day she would summon stuff for us to fight. My cage was the first in line and Silky’s was next to mine.”

Can you imagine that! My fishing freaks of the fjords. Growing up in a cage and only coming out only fight your dread mistress’s summons Then being thrown back in the cage and only getting a piece of bread, some brie and rusty water to drink! I can’t even imagine the pain my friends. Annie should have taken them fishing after she tortured them so.

“Silky and me would hold hands through the bars of our cage since we were next to each other. I figured Annie wouldn’t whip on the others so much if I could get her pissed off enough at me, so I took to biting her fingers every time the hag reached into my cage to drag me out. She would say, ‘Augh! You vicious little biter!’ But she would get so busy torturing me ‘The VLB’ (She mocks Annie) that some days she wouldn’t even get to the others so that’s good.”

Can you imagine, folks. A tiny child of a wisplings hardly even the size of a Pekinese biting the fingers of a wicked, evil, child eating night hag to save her friends. WHAT BRAVERY! WHAT GUSTO! I wish I had half the courage of brave little Vilby.

“Anyway, Silky got to where she could pick the lock on her cage. One day she got out and undid my lock. We snuck over to Annie and Silky put her out with a fancy needle she had hidden, and we ate up that awful Annie right up. We got hold of some travel magic and ended up on Toril.

We was on the sword coast. We got into lots of trouble. We crashed a princes wedding, killed a bunch of people there. We was in jail a long time but Silky picked the locks again and we escaped. We wound up in Sigil.”

And there it is folks. Since then, Vilby has become a recognized part of Sigil. She has turned into a respectable member of society here. No more eating night hags. No more killing innocent people. She was raised by evil but now fights for team good…………and her own pockets. The screws in her head are tightened up but as I have always said she is an adventurer and with all those adventures………All the screws will come loose again eventually.
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Good day my fellow Jig Jogglers. I have once again gone out into the world to meet the people of Sigil. And just wait until I tell you what I found. Yes, my friends the ultimate fishing hole in all the universe. The plane of water! It even has a sky what do you know. Never figured on that. But first I must tell you about some other things and I have a story from a woman by the name of Theophania. And what a grand story it is.

So let us get started with the most sorrowful thing of my two days among those crazy psychopathic adventurers. Remember these bunch of lunatics that call themselves adventurers, mercenaries and explorers keep us rather common folk safe so give them a big pat on the back next time you see one……well unless they are big, ugly and snarling. Then you might just wave a hand and smile knowing they are doing their best to keep us safe. Some advice: Don’t feed the snarling ones. You might lose a finger or three.

It starts with a trip to the opera, my friends. Several people had wanted to go and I find them somewhat boring with all the nobles that have their noses and pinky fingers up in the air when they drink. But several people I knew wanted to see it for the first time, so I jumped on the band wagon……. ‘LITERALLY’ and off we went.

The opera wagon was expensive, but it was a wonder. It was much bigger on the inside than on the outside. Inside it looked like a chapel complete with pews and paint-glass windows. There was wine and hors d'oeuvres. Everything was going fine. We were riding to the opera when suddenly we stopped! Oh boy! There’s going to be trouble. Three Harmonium stiffies walk in and they are in full armor. The leaders suddenly screamed out………PAPERS! I WANT TO SEE YOUR PAPERS!

Several of the wisplings in the party started trying to figure out if they were wanted in these lands. Several others started to question what kind of papers they needed. I quietly stood in the back and watched to make sure I was not accosted thrown deep into their damp, dank dungeons and eaten by the beasts they keep there. So, by the time they came to me I knew just what to do. I showed them my handy-dandy planeswalker guild badge and stated, “Brath son of Igraine Sierra.” The captain accept this and everyone else’s ID……… ‘forged or not.’ And away we went again.

We continued on with the country getting more and more orderly. The trees of the forest planted in rows and every bush having its place. As we neared the opera. There was a great boom, and we all fell to the side of the magnificent cart. Just before the theater there was a mud hole caused by a flood and the cart got stuck and one side sunk into it making it shift sideways. The great booming sound throwing the horses off track and into the sinkhole.

We all got up. I with my sorcery and mage craft enhanced the strength of several of my companions then together with two earth elementals others called lifted the cart out of the mud so the driver could return home. Afterward, we all walked to the opera on foot.

There we discovered utter hysteria from the patrons and staff already there. They described a terror attack. Yes, my friend it was a terrorist attack! But who was the perpetrator and how did they get away with such cruelty!

We asked the head Harmonium stiffy if we could……. INVESTIGATE THE SCENE OF THE CRIME!” He said……. “Sure thing, bub.” to whoever wanted to do it. We questioned all the guests. NO, NO not by sword point or by torture! Very nicely. After all they were snooty nobles. We found out that inside the theater came a sound that nearly drove them mad and caused their stomachs to turn inside out. Some were nearly driven mad. Some were deafened by it. Most were confused and despondent. It was time for our team of super adventurer sleuths to go inside…….So WE DID!

There was no one in the entrance way but the smell of blood and bile was permeating from the doors going into the main hall. Many checked the doors and tried to open them, but they would not budge. And were not even locked. Something was blocking the entrance. Someone then found a vent at the side of the door, and we stuffed several wisplings in it crying out, “Go find out what’s going on in there little guys and gals.” After that we heard shuffling and thudding and more shuffling and thudding. Finally, the way was cleared and the doors open to a horrid scene. Everyone that was at the opera was dead!

We all took out our giant miniaturized glasses of minute seeing crouched down and frog walked to start our investigations. The first thing we noticed were that the biggest piles of bodies were by the door meaning that some had tried to escape this tragedy. They were all beaten to death……. ‘BY EACH OTHER!” How could this happen, my spoon springers? As yet we did not know. The rest of the bodies were spread out among the tables around the stage. It was a most tragic sight.

We spread out and carefully looked around. Then someone spotted it. A score of music written across the wall. ‘IN PEOPLE BLOOD!” I must tell you, my friends. I felt my own stomach turn at the mess. I had to go to a quiet corner and retch up my salad. I could not face the music the rest of the time I stood in that room. I had to turn my eyes from the bloody score.

We found other clues and finally went to the stage when we drew back the curtains, we found that the musicians had all bashed each other’s heads in with their own instruments. There were flutes and piccolos driven into ears. One body was found crushed completely in a Tuba. One mans throat was cut by the reed end of a clarinet. Another body was hung with the slide of a trombone (a small gnomish fellow). It was a truly ghastly sight my friends. We quickly moved on to the back room where we found……. A BOX!

This horrid device was the one that made the discordant sound that drove everyone mad enough to kill each other. Except of course the adventurers that were already at the opera. They are all ready insane and it doesn’t take much to tip an adventurer on a mad killing spree. Remember that my friends. Always be kind to adventurers you meet. It keeps them peaceful. And give them a cookie if you have one. They like cookies.

It took a special key to open this box. We got our best……. Locksmithing adventurer…. yea that’s what we’ll call them, and they opened it. Inside was gruesomeness supreme. The first item the very face of the leader of the Harmoniums that was with us. We made him take off his helm. HE HAD NO FACE FOLKS. So that’s why he talked so funny. Even more preposterous is he didn’t even know it.

The first thing I thought was, ‘Mother did you do this?’ But no mother is actually a good person and wouldn’t even if she had a grudge. She would just possess them and make them do silly things. But I knew deep in my heart; there was mind magic at work here along with the song the box played.

The next thing we found in the box was a severed arm. Attached to it a note saying. “An artist always leaves a piece of himself with his work!” The terrorist had severed his own arm! How depraved! He must be an old, dejected adventurer!

In the end, after realizing there was nothing more we could do. We went home to Sigil. We had found that someone had made a box to make a discordant song to make everyone at the opera kill one another. We tried to come up with something to counter the song but thus far no one has. If I have the pleasure of journeying with adventurers again to seize the culprit, I will tell you the end to this tale of Woe and tragedy. Perhaps one day someone will make a new tragic opera about the TRAGEDY AT THE OPERA.

And that was only the first day I was back in Sigil later a young woman by the name of Theophania told me her story about when she first arrived in the Cage. I will tell it to you in her own words.

Theophania’s story

So, I arrived and I’m trying to still find my way around, back when the Indies controlled the fulcrum, not the Harmonium. I had many a name, but you may call me Theophania priestess of Hanali Celani.

We heard of a rouge modron in the sewers. This was new, well for me. It would be my first time seeing a modron as I come from Olympus. Now it was me, another elf and a Cansin (they are children of randomness that live on the plane of limbo) around.

All of us new. We heard the news of a rouge modron in the sewers. It was grinding down all the gibberlings into just gup! (perhaps, doing a public service) The veteran walkers at the time had gone off to either hunt a blue worm have orgies, carouse, drink and the like.

So, we three fresh faces to Sigil decided to try our hand at this rouge machine completely off its rocker. Modrons are just funny cube guys, right? No! But it was far from normal. It was far from normal. It was more like a death machine. It rolled around on wheels and had a large grinder covered in giant spikes. Its head was just a helmet if found. It was grinding down gibberlings and people alike. So of course, we all felt the need to tear this thing apart and stomp it into a thousand pieces.

The thing is no one told us this thing was so freakishly hard to kill. It was made from wood and metal…. By the Gods themselves! My spear could barely scratch it. The elf’s arrows bounced off of the terror and the cansin was a sorcerer whose spells just fizzled to nothing on it.

Quickly seeing that things were not going our way, we tried to run, and we couldn’t just lead it to the surface, right? All the other adventurers were away. For 20 minutes we ran with this Machine of Death throwing the skulls of its kills at us and avoiding getting ground to dust. Eventually we ran out of space to run. Before us, a drop-off into the sewage. Behind us the modron.

So, it became a game of chicken. Would we charge it or it us? We stared at it. It stared back!

It felt like an eternity, but it charged first. And well, we did the only thing we could do. We charged back but not to attack. You see, we waited till it was close enough that it would hit us with its grinder. So that we could dive to the side. Well, the cansin and I did. The elf dove forward; past the grinder before it could hit her. Then she scrambled over the machine.

It didn’t have a chance to react as it flew off the ledge and into the sewage. Where it sank down into the filth. Blub, Blub was all we heard before never seeing it again. Is it still there grinding away at the sewage and filth? It probably is. You never know what might turn up in this city.

And there you have it folk. Another tale from a brave adventurer that saved us from the horrors of…. THE GODLY GRINDING GEARBOX!

I will tell you all about the plane of water next time. I’m Brath! And these are my fishing/adventurer stories.
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Brath puts the pages he wrote and combines them in a new book. He transposes his rewritten notes now edited and begins the title.

Factions and in-depth look by the factions themselves and Brath Vail.

Chapter 1 The Doomguard

Lecture by Katya

Approximately 5 hundred years before Hashkar became a Factol there were about 50 factions. During this time the guilds ran most of the city and the factions were political heads. Many of the things one faction did were run by another. The Doomguard was once known for policing and enforcing the law in the city. A job now handled by the Harmonium. As you can tell, this caused a lot of conflict across both factions.

With all the chaotic fighting amongst the factions She passed a decree stating that there should only be 15 factions among the city. Sources state that she gave them a fortnight to organize themselves before she takes action. Some factions merged together to form what they are today. An example of this is the Mercyberks and the Sodkillers. They merged to become the Mercykillers. Other factions were wiped out entirely: Their names lost to history.

During the infighting the Harmonium attempted to destroy the Doomguard entirely to become the enforcers of the city. This lead the Doomguard to barricade themselves in the armory unable to be touched for months. Ultimately this forced the other Factols to come together to form a truce. The harmonium would be the enforcers while the Doomguard would work with the armory and supplying weapons to necessary factions and the city defenses. Therefore, making several factions one from the few to survive. The approximate total of those lost during what is now known as the great upheaval is 17,000.

One of the many comments I receive is that the Doomguard seems ominous or scary. Many of these opinions are based upon the name, or that we are painted with a broad brush as mindless destructive monsters. There are the indeps that often debate whether they are a faction or not. The 13 acknowledged factions are those who have seats in the Hall of Speakers.

The Doomguard have the duty of protecting entropy from those who would try to stop or reverse it. How would you stop the inevitable or try to reverse it one may ask. One way people try to stop it is through seeking immortality. Those who seek immortality inadvertently bring entropy to those it would not yet affect.

Imagine if you would, a stream. This stream is entropy. As with all things, it has a beginning and an end. Now imagine an individual damming up this stream causing entropy to stop flowing to its intended end. The banks would overflow and flood the settlements near its banks. The same can be said when a person achieves immortality through vampirism, and lichdom. Vampires feed on their neighbors, bringing their end too soon. Liches add to their undead hordes in a similar fashion.

Many times, those who achieve immortality achieve it with a heavy cost that someone else or many people, have to pay. Entropy is not merely a said and done thing. Some Doomguard believe that entropy is happening too slow and attempt to speed it up in various forms. Some study its natural state. The slow effect it has on time if you will, and others…. Yet try to slow it down. Each is passionate about their view, but they all agree it should never be stopped or reversed.

Ultimately every Sinker will have to decide which path calls to them. And how it calls to them. I am a Satist. I focus on studying entropy. I study how the natural effects of storms and cataclysms play part of the verse and how entropy affects them.

There is also an Accelerationism path. Accelerationist calls for fighting, working the forges and using materials. Using explosives……. Legally.

At this point Doomguard Nullus steps in.

Many of you call it destruction. I call it the birth of power. When the weak crumble the strong ascend through conflict. Though the great machine of war are we all tested in our worth. Testing our strength. Conflict is the purest truth. Even the gods bow before the chaos of strife Who are we to defy it. Pain… pain is the only honest currency. It is the weight of existence, and I have spent it freely.

After this Katya continues.

There is also a decelerationist viewpoint within the Doomguard. Each of us Doomguard gain something different from our studies of entropy, but all agree that entropy is inevitable.

The doomguard have four citadels. Each one on a different quasi elemental plane bordering the negative energy plane. Each is run by a greater Doomlord much like Nullus. They include:

Citadel Seal on the plane of salt.
Citadel Allusious on the plane of Dust.
Citadel Exhalus on the plane of Vacuum
The Crumbling citadel on the plane of ash

The crumbling citadel is a replacement citadel for the one that the Doomguard lost to the lich Vecna. It is still an important part of our history.

Katya reads a letter from Deceleationist Aelfread:

The verse is a place of many wonders beyond our explanation. We may contemplate the mysteries of existence around us only to be drawn back to the observable point that all existence is that of change. A passage of time, the spinning of the cage. The ebb and flow of happenings. Change is the motivating force of the verse. It is the progress of one state to another. Threat progression is what allows the awareness to view the production of the results which is the finality of entropy. Entropy is our ever-present companion. The one that waits for us all. We are beholden to its finality, but we are not shackled nor oppressed by it. It is our guide and our ally.

All that entropy grants us is not ground that we might rush towards it through we shall meet entropy in all due time. Yet that time is not brought closer before one has had their time to understand its purpose.

That was the end of the lecture.

I asked a single question to Katya when she went over vampires and lichs. I asked her about Baelnorms. Many others chimed in, but I wanted to hear her answer. She did not have one for that particular situation.

This was one of only many examples of possible immortality without entropic consequences. Because I am not Elven. I cannot surmise if this is true or not but there is another possibility of an epic spell called Apotheosis Chrysalis. When one uses this spell, one becomes a god.
Here is the spells description: Perhaps the most powerful spell ever devised by an elven female. This epic conjuration creates a cocoon which can enable one to become a deity. Cassia, a goddess of hedonism and decadence, used this spell to enable her ascent to goddess. The spell requires many years of research beforehand, and once the basic knowledge of how the energies behind the spell work, it takes almost a month to figure out how to put them in the right order to cast the spell.

The cocoon, once conjured, has a hardness of 20, will shock all those who try to touch it, and will enable one to absorb ambient energy from the surrounding area without letting as much as one joule of it leave the chrysalis. Further energy can be obtained by getting sentient beings to send some to the Chrysalis. The process of using the Chrysalis will likely take over a year and may never be completed if the Chrysalis is sent to a place where there is no energy to absorb, in which case, the caster is stuck in the Chrysalis in a state of suspended animation...forever. If the Chrysalis process IS a success, the caster will eventually revive as a rank 1 demigod and will spend several months hatching from the cocoon. The Chrysalis can be used again to raise the divine level even higher (1 extra rank per successful use) but can only go up to level 19.

There is also the possibility that the Chrysalis can be cut open from the outside before it is finished. If this is the case, all of the time was wasted, save for the fact that the cocoon's material should be an excellent source of magical energy (unless there was little to no energy absorption.)

I wonder, what answer she would give me for that spells price on another for stopping Entropy?

In conclusion I believe that the Doomguard’s philosophy is not all wrong. Entropy does destroy all things, even gods. Mountains slowly crumble and become sand, people and worlds die but at the same time things are created and recreated again and again. New stars flare to life, new worlds are born. To only focus on entropy, I see it as a waste of time and one’s precious life until the force of entropy finally takes them.

Entropy is a natural force for all things, even so-called immortals. It need not be accelerated or decelerated. When a mage changes the weather there are often other consequences across the world and when you alter a natural force on a large-scale including entropy there are also consequences where natural laws are distorted and abused.

I have heard witnesses that say the Doomguard has started wars on primes to hasten entropy. That they cause much needless suffering on those primes. Nullus’s views show how distorted worshipping and tinkering with such a force of nature can be corrupting to one’s soul. He only views strength is for the righteous much like a Baatezu or Tanari. Read his own words again and make up your own mind. I have made mine quite clear.

In conclusion I believe the Doomguards perceive some truths in their study and worship of entropy. They see some truths, but they tend to be blinded by other truths and acting on only part of the whole is a dangerous thing. It is also a very dismal way to look at life. Where would you find peace in it.
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Brath lands on the island and proceeds to the villa. The large cats that occupy the island ignore him. He goes in and makes himself a hot vegetable meal and a cup of coffee. He looks outside to make sure it’s sunny. The little false sun is in the sky and there is no rain. The island itself is controlled by his mother’s magic. How he doesn’t know but there is a sun and a moon, and it rains at regular times to keep the grass in good order for the antelope to feed thus providing food for the cats that protect the island itself.

He takes his plate, and coffee and goes out the back door to the patio. He sets the food on the table and goes back inside the home. When he comes back out, he has several large tomes. He sits down and looks out at the back orchard and garden then to the waterfall that forms a pond which in turn forms a stream that meanders to the edge of the island and falls off the edge. Again, he has no idea how the magic works, nor does he care as long as it does.

He eats and drinks while writing.

I have spent 8 days at Sigil. I have learned many new things and have decided to embark on perhaps a dangerous project. Sitting in on a lecture by the Doomguard about their philosophy and deeds around the verse I came upon an idea to write a book about the philosophies and duties of each faction. There is a problem, however. A Dustman alerted me to it. To embark on something like this may be highly dangerous. Someone once wrote a manifesto about the factions and was quickly killed by one of them.

I do not wish to write a manifesto only about what their philosophies are from their own mouths however the first chapter I have written so far on the Doomguard has my conclusions and opinions about their believes. I will cut all that out. I have three reasons for this.

1. Self-preservation I do enjoy life and do not under any circumstances be killed for something as stupid as writing a book.
2. I realize now that this book should be a pure representation of what the factions believe no matter what my conclusions and opinions about said philosophies.
3. People who wish to join factions should have a solid idea of what they are getting into before the factions even seek them out. The books on the subject so far are exceedingly vague on information.

Thus, I will edit my first chapter on the Doomguard to only what Katya and Nullus said and the one question I put to them. Thus, the authors will be them not me without opinion or additions. Thus, I secure since all of the information is public knowledge they themselves have said there should be no problem, and they should cover all of the above three points. I will however put my thoughts and opinions in one copy which I will keep here at home. Who knows perhaps mom will get a kick out of what I say.

Alyce of the Harmoniums as offered to give me a private lecture on the Harmoniums. A dragon born has conceited to give me a lecture on the Fraternity of the Order.

The Dragonborn invited me to his home in Rigus. I asked around about this place. It is in the lower planes and from what I heard surrounded by the undead. Not only that, but he also specifically said I must get a day pass. Again, I asked around and someone told me I could get trapped in the city and conscripted into an army to fight without a passport or day pass. Izk actually got a little angry at the idea of me being conscripted into an army. I had to chuckles.

Brath hears something shuffling behind him and sees his half-brother Martin coming out to the patio with a steak and salad on his plate. Brath sets his quill down. “Hello, Martin.”

The half-ogre is 6ft 7inches tall and has a green tinge about his skin. His hair is striking silver, and he has blue eyes. Martin looks much older than Brath even though he is younger. He looks in his early 30s With an athlete’s physic, while Brath still looks like he’s about 18 and looks lanky and slack of muscle. “I’ve seen you have taken up residence here by the unkept appearance of the house. You study too much. Damn, Brath you have centuries to contemplate your naval clean up once in a while.”

Brath shrugs. “How has the family been?”

“Susan and the kids are fine. They are growing fast. Where are mom and dad?”

“Off on some quest for several decades from what they tell me. Someone told mom she has to gather the Irda and Mischta and bring them somewhere where they would be safe.”

“I never figured out how dad is even still alive?”

“Beats me, Martin. Way above my abilities. They are both Archmages. I don’t ask. You know how mother is.”

“I see you’ve taken your human form. Red hair aye. You look better with it than blonde. That also means you’re up to something. What is it?”

“I’ve been running around Sigil.”

“Oh yea? You check in with that guild that used to babysit you?”

“Doesn’t exist anymore.”

“Seeing anyone?”

Brath sighs, “I just went through that thing. You know the thing you and Strega didn’t have.”

Martin puts his hand out, “Sorry to hear about that, Brath. Glad you’re still alive. Now you should jump out there again. Hair of the dog that bit you and all. Mom did that with dad shortly after hers. Hell, you might have some of dad in you too after all.”

Brath laughs, “I don’t think it works like that but sort of wish it did after my experience. I don’t know. I don’t really have any game, like you do. There are some nice girls there though.

I’m in the planeswalkers guild now. Looking to get into a faction called the Godsmen, maybe maybe not. They want to help me become a god.”

Martin laughs. “God of laziness or God of fishing……… That’s pretty much the same thing”

Brath chuckles, “I resemble that statement. I’m also writing a book about the factions. Let me tell you something Martin some of these people in these factions are stark raving mad.”

“Well don’t put that in the book. You might get squished, and everyone knows how squishy you are.”

“I also have to write about some crazy composer. I saw a lot, Martin. It was a lot of stuff that made me take a step back. The factions infighting and such. Competing interests and such.”

“Look if you get into trouble change yourself into an elf and come to the free city of Greyhawk. You can stay with us for a bit. Damn, I wish I could do that but I’m just a half-breed.”

“It’s more of a pain in the ass than anything else. I don’t do it too often now. Got caught on the island of Thain by a dancer hiding in the bushes and had to leave……. I was feeling that thing coming on too so worked out……...sort of.”

“Look you’re my brother and you’re not the sort that can stand alone. No offense Brath but if you need a place to stay, please do come. Just make sure no one can tell who you are.”

“I will.”

“Alright. I’ll take a walk and go home. Want the rest of my steak?”

“Fuck you, Martin.”

The half-ogre smirks and takes his plate into the house, “Be well Brath and stay safe.”

“Well met.” Brath looks at his notes trying to remember his place. He sighs and says to himself, “I’ll pick this back up tomorrow.” He gets up and takes his own walk down to the waterfall.”
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Brath comes home again and cleans up the house for the first time in a very long time. Once that is done, he makes a nice salad from veggies he picked or dug up from the garden and added some preserved cheese to it. He takes his food to the large family library. Setting his plate down he wanders the shelves for all the things he needs. He was given his first research mission by a druidess by the name of Marvari and is bound and determined to come up with a solution or insights into the problems she presented him with.

Together they had been to a dying prime. A world that is slowly dying under the heat of two stars. Not only that, but she also felt a hunger in the land that was chewing it up in an ever-growing desert that had almost consumed the whole of the planet. She told him it may be an entity older than the elder gods called The Firelord.

Brath sets his research books to the side and picks up another journal where he details his experiences among adventurers. He writes.

There is so much to say. I did not get to the composer before I was back again in Sigil on another wild adventure with those untamed and insane adventurers. Gods, how I admire and love them. Let me first get to the composer and the story of his grand play. This psychopath had already killed an opera house full of people. What would be his next move?

One day I got an invitation saying that a carriage awaited me. I took that carriage and was dumped off in a strange place with many adventurers. Some I knew. Some I did not. After looking around and investigating we found we were in a pocket plane completely controlled by that manic. (Obviously a former adventurer and bard that had completely gone off his rocker.)

We walked through a forest of strange, twisted sculptures and found a grand villa with a rose garden. There we had to wait. Some investigated the rose garden and almost got trapped for the roses, well they were quite dangerous all to themselves.

At the appointed hour the doors opened, and we all went inside to find a gruesome gallery of twisted art. It included a giant upside-down statue of an angel. We found our way into the theater. there we saw our adversary who called himself……. The Composer!

As we approached the seats something came over all of us. Some unknown force came over us and we sat down in the chairs. Manacles locked our hands down to the arms of the chair. Never had I known the feeling of losing control of my mind like that since my valin. It angered me. I wanted to tear the Composer limb from limb in my rage as he controlled my body. I knew and hated that feeling. I was livid with rage trying to stare him down. But it was of no use. He was too powerful.

He had a long dull speech. I don’t remember it because I was trying to escape the mental hold he had on me. Then half the adventurers were called down onto the stage. The composer started Act 1 and my brave companions had to fight Bandits dressed up as actor bandits! What a sick sense of humor!

Some fell but their companions got them back to their feet and they survived the onslaught. After act1 they were forced back in their seats. Then came Act 2, the other half of my companions were picked out. For some reason I was not selected to participate and thank the gods. I would never have survived.

They were set upon by various monsters and the music itself. The battle was hard. This time some of my fellow participants tried to break the magic barrier and fly up to the stands where the composer was. A few could not break the mental bond the music held them except one. They tried to arrest the Composer but alas they were thrown back into the pit of the stage. I was held to my seat helpless as a child.

Act 2 drew to a close. When act 3 came a single companion of mine was forced to the stage. A harmonium that I know. He had killed all the other harmoniums outside the chateau. She was the only one left. He debased the harmoniums and harassed her, making her fight. She persisted and survived. As that was happening, I noticed the others around me talking about a woman in the corner of the grandstand far off from the Composer and to his right side. She held an umbrella. Many asked, “What is she doing there and why is she here?” I realized that many knew her, but I did not. I did remember it though.

Act 4 came around and the Composer forced our strongest planes walkers down to the stage. The Play must go on. They her set upon by more monsters along with the music itself that had taken form as animated notes. They fought and fought many falling and others reviving them as they go. Again, the planes walkers won as the Composer dreamed his play.

When the last act came, he sent us all to some kind of hellscape and set his animated music upon all of us. We split up into groups. Know the music was not alive I started to use my one offensive spell that could hurt others, Elemental blast. I hit the music again and again. The fire and ice blasts had no effect, but the electrical blasts did. I could hurt them abet just a little. My group came to a corner and were fighting while the main group hemmed in the Composer himself.

We battled the music until it was no more and as we got to the main group; they captured the Composer. This is where things took a turn. Some wanted him to face justice others wanted to kill him right there. This is when he changed. He looked around perplexed as if he did not know where he was and cried out as if just aroused from sleep. I thought that this man may have been possessed by another, but no one got the chance to question him. A blade came down on his neck and he died there.

We found our way out. Back outside the grand villa. There the factions fought a war of words over the death of the composer and what to do with his score of discordant music. I thought there would be another grand fight. Hard words were spoken. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed. We were rewarded with much booty taken from the chateau. So ended our adventure and ended the reign of terror the Composer………. Unless………. Unless those uneasy feelings about the Composer in the back of my mind are true and the real artist escaped. Time will tell. It always does.
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Brath goes into serious study at home on all that Marvari told him and on all that he experienced and learned and what was told on the prime with two suns. But first he had to decide paths to research. What did he already know and what was he told. And what are the questions he needs to answer.

The first and most important question he thinks to himself is how do you thrive and survive on this planet that is so hostile to life? What does he know. First there are two suns in the sky making things uncomfortably hot even with elemental shields.

Second: There is a lot of salt. Thus, negative energy may be at play.

Third: water is scarce. If He should get the opportunity to go again bring plenty of water.

He speculates about what He heard from the Fated that this particular prime lies far from the astral plane. Thus, magic may be affected just by that.

He writes down: To survive on this prime bring plenty of water, wear clothing that is loose, full and light with most skin covered. Do not depend on resist or protection from elements. Robes and other items that have fire and negative energy resistance will help too. Wear a wide brimmed hat as the natives do to keep as much shade on your body as possible, especially your face. Always make sure to bring the spells tongues and comprehend languages in case you encounter natives. They work.

Second question: The Firelord. Marvari told me that she felt ‘a hunger’ in the land as she researched, she came up with the theory that an entity called the Firelord may be at work on this prime. According to her the Firelord is an entity that has at least the same or even more power than a Tiamat or Takhisis. It is as old or maybe even older than the elder gods and may have been around since the time of creation. The entity consumes entire primes with fire.

Question: How did she come to the information already that she has told me and is it speculation on her part. There are two suns on the prime that beat down on the world constantly. There is evidence that the world is dying of……. natural causes, however, I am no expert on religion thus the druidess may be sensitive to things I would not be aware of.

What or who is the Firelord? This is a question that should be answered just in case but I know Izk is also on that so I should spend some time but not the bulk of my time on this question. The Firelord may or may not be real, however it is worthy to investigate the question though this should not be my main path to investigate, because there are those better than me on this question already.

Third and most relevant question to me. How may we cancel the dampening effects of both arcane and druidic magic so that the spells we use can be used to their full effects. I have had some advice from Barxite on this and have come up with several theories to research. I will elaborate.

Barxite informed me of a good way to approach a prime with dampened spells is to create a focus…. In other words, a fetish to focus your magic energy into and to be used on this prime. This sounds like a logical plan to investigate and one of the first paths I should look into. This could be something you could make and experiment with by going to the prime and testing one of these focuses.

Unfortunately, I cannot talk to my parents at the moment. Mother is a seasoned spelljammer and my parents own two ships. A damselfly and a wasp. How does a spelljammer work in a crystal sphere with little or no magic. That is a good question and one I should pose to Barxite. In fact, there may even be some information on that very thing in this library or I am almost sure in the secret room or secret library my parents have behind a shelf. It’s small but They keep all the dangerous books there.

The only problem of course is the books are either trapped or have well side effects. Like growing teeth and trying to eat you or a guardian monster comes out of the book and means to hurt you. That’s bad for my health and besides I’m not allowed in there. So, I’ll keep to this room. I do enjoy being sane and healthy.

Spelljammers should have a way to bypass dampening fields for the sake of their ships. Spelljammers should also know much about how to override dampening magic fields too. I, myself, have only spelljammed a few times and only as a passenger. My parents always though it too dangerous to do it on my own and I’ve never even sat in a helm. I really don’t think I would like my magic stripped from me just by sitting down in a chair to be converted into energy………….

That will have to be investigated, maybe something like a helm or a smaller facsimile of a helm taken to the prime could do this. Is that what Braxite meant as a focus. Something like a helm but in reverse. That may certainly do it but how?

One thing I question. That is the world does have a portal that the Fated control. A portal to another world is high magic. So, something must can be done to use higher level spells even if unstable as we found out the portal is not always stable. It winks in and out at different intervals on each side.

Brath stops writing for a moment knowing he is starting to drift off into a tangent…… He gets a hold onto himself and writes again.

The alignment of heavenly bodies may play a part in these intervals of when the portal is active or not. Also possible is that the astral plane touches this prime when the portal is active in some way. This perhaps should not be investigated. Sometimes what is, is what is. Learning to understand something without purpose on things you cannot affect does not add to the problems we face with the prime.

On regards to druid magic. Again, Barxite gave me some advice on how to research strengthening druid magic. He suggested that Marvari collaborate and befriend the indigenous tribe’s shamans and learn their ways and their gods. The shamans most likely have minor magic at least. With enough understanding with their gods, spirits or nature……. whatever druids do She may be able to cast higher circle spells.

I did think of another way perhaps independently. What if she were to take a seed or sapling and plant it in the Tribe’s Garden. One of those special trees that groves are built around. Usually, Oak I think maybe something else depending on region. The tree may enhance druidic magic in the area.

Now that Brath has written down his thoughts, he looks around the library. Let’s see if we have anything on how spelljammers handle magically depleted worlds. He gets to work starting his research in earnest.
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Brath steps on the island and lets gravity take over. Immediately a serval comes out of the bushes then turns and goes toward the grassy middle of the earth mote alerting the other cats he is here. He kneels down on one knee and starts to grimace as pain racks his body. His bones and muscles grow Tendons and ligaments lengthen, His skin turns to an emerald green, his eyes turn to a shade of metallic silver. Brath shape changes back to his natural form. The form of an Irda: A High Ogre of Krynn.

He walks home enjoying all the scents he grew up with and enters the home. There he stays for several months relaxing before starting his research again. When he does, He opens his journal first with his notes from his Harmonium interview. He jots the interview down first.

The Harmonium

By Alyce Scarlett

We are the Harmonium, an alliance that spans across many primes and planes. As well as here in Sigil. Our goal is to maintain order and to spread peace through harmony to all the planes. The Sigil branch is just a small part of the alliance, it is our job to help enforce harmony and law in Sigil as a faction of Sigil and as a piece of Harmonium.

We work alongside the Triad, Fraternity of order, and Mercy killers to maintain order here.

Question: The general idea sounds wonderful, but the Harmonium seems very… militant about the way they approach seeking harmony. How does the Harmonium help create order in other ways?

Answer: Aye, through discipline and might is the best way to spread harmony. As you know, Sigil and many other places don’t often like the idea of control or law… So, you have to sort of show that there are consequences for breaking rules and for being too chaotic. If we just give out writs……. Slaps……… They learn nothing and get away to do it again. We have to physically show that there are punishments.

Think of it like a beartrap. You can tell a berk not to stick their hand into it, yet some may stick their hand in anyways. When they do… SNAP!... Sure, sometimes you can avoid it, but I doubt you would do it again. Or if I told you that the fire behind you is hot. Would you stick your hand into it? What if you didn’t believe me. Well then you get burned and find out. And to sort of explain harmony. It is the unity of all under one banner or as I like to call it a family that lives in peace. We all work together and pick each other up. Alone you may fall but together we shall arise.

*Alyce motions around the inn* It’s peaceful here because no matter where you are from, of what you are everyone is able to get along. Because they follow the order of what harmonium has instructed to uphold. As long as they follow the order, harmony can be maintained.

Many claim they lack freewill or freedom. But nay, we don’t remove freedoms. We apply a layer of discipline and control to such being able to know when and how to speak, what to do in a moment when needed. That way we aren’t all just a mess of a bunch of sour notes trying to sing.

I should say, many claim we take away freewill or freedom. A lot of times it is just berks who are too envious to realize that they are flawed. They allow their emotions and opinions to sway into a truth. It’s not logical. It is chaos, an independence from reality. They want to escape it while we want to maintain its song and amplify its sound as one. Hope and determination are major factors too. We believe in a better future because we know there will be one. We just need everyone to see it. And through time and hard work they will eventually see what is truly before them.

Question: What about individuality” You can be a good person and be an individualist.

Aye, it isn’t about being a good person, but about helping maintain order. It’s not our job to enforce beliefs upon people or control and micromanage their thoughts and feelings. We focus on keeping peace and preventing disorder.

Question: At what point does the harmonium consider a person a threat to order from individualistic pursuits?

Answer: Someone who purposefully disobeys the law and attempts to conduct an act of disorder… a good example is offering Habs to lemons and Clueless… It is harmful and provides nothing but a situation in which someone either dies or is heavily injured. Another would be interfering with the Harmonium or the Triad while we are trying to contain a threat… of course, innocent people die, that is not something we are wanting to occur, but it is a risk we have to take when making decisions. We can’t save everyone. But we are not abandoning the weak and poor. We are encouraging them to seek harmony so they may be granted a home. If they refuse, we cannot force them.

And there are factions like the Signers and Ciphers whom we don’t often bother because of how well they keep from causing disorder, even though we don’t agree with their belief or ideals. We see no reason to attack them or force them to change.

Question: So, from what I get the harmonium doesn’t act until the point where actions become harmful to the public welfare. Is that right?

Answer: Correct. Personal situations are not our problem. We care about the whole.

Question: I have heard that the harmonium has taken over whole primes in the name of order. Is that true?

Answer: We have primes that are a part of our alliance, and any and all are welcome to request to be a part of the alliance. There are a few that we have sought out due to a complete disarray of order and required aid.

Question: Anything else about the philosophy of the Harmoniums you would like to add Alyce?

Answer: We are a family. We treat each other with respect. No matter who they are or what they may be. If one falls, we pick them up. We will disagree and possibly fight, but in the end, we stick together, because that is what a family does. We do no abandon family… no matter if they are blood or not. I would love to see my father a part of our order… though we both agree it wasn’t his purpose.

When finished with this part he puts it in his official book then goes back to his notes and writes: Keep this part for your own records.

Though Alyce made the Harmomium taste sweet as honey which she did. In fact, she did a good job of it. The problem is that anything taken to excess undoes the very thing it professes to accomplish.

Order taken to its extreme is just as bad as anarchy. How many paladins have fallen for this very same reason. I have already seen the Harmoniums use their muscle against other factions unnecessarily. She admits that the harmoniums will take over primes if they believe a prime has fallen into anarchy. This of course depends upon the inhabitants of that world and their own world views on individualism and society, one of the two great axis of thought. The other being good and evil.

Generally, I do believe the harmoniums do a good job keeping the peace in Sigil. I think those in the harmonium that are not complete fanatics have the right idea. However, there is a need for individualism. I prefer a balance here: A few good rules and laws that are logical and have meaning while keeping as much freedom and free thought as possible. There is always a need for society so long as it doesn’t constrain one’s free will and thought. To do other is Tyranny and I believe some fanatics in the harmonium would have Tyranny if it would mean their idea of a perfect society.

He puts his quill down and makes a cup of coffee. When he comes back, he writes. My research on the desert prime has gotten me nowhere as of yet. I have made some basic theories, conjectures and hypotheses however it will take going back and testing these ideas to see if they bear fruit. I did relay these ideas to Marvari. She likes to tease me, and she was one of the few women that I considered having a relationship with however just before I left for home, I strolled by her and another woman who seemed to be her lover. Her teasing looks like it was just good-hearted play. It is all well and good then. Irda can live centuries with no one else. Just our magic and research. Still, I do from time to time think another around would be more pleasant. Someone to connect with and to love in my own way hopefully to reach the lofty state of pragma with them.

Alyce is another woman I have considered mating with. Here is where things get foggy. Her ideal man is nothing like me. Yet she became nervous before the interview when she spoke about her broken relationships with others and heard my own thoughts about my relationships. I think she might like to have a relationship with me. It would be fleeting given how slowly I age and how quickly humans do. Diviner told me even an elf has a mere 1/5th of our lifespan.

Of course, the Diviner also views other races as not much more than animals in the field that we ogres tolerate. Our own arrogance has nearly destroyed us several times before from the days of dream until now. I am glad Mother and Father forced me to grow up among a human culture so that I see them as equals and can get along in a culture. I think perhaps of all the human women Alyce may be the one I would like to have a relationship with. I could see myself having children with her. If something like that comes to be though it is doubtful it would be a grand experience.

On another note, a red wizard from the tower of high sorcery has appeared in Sigil. Her name is Alais. I had hoped to stay away from her because of my feelings toward the tower but it was not to be. I caught her preaching at the boarding house and in an unusual display of anger shot my mouth off at her. I should not have I have yet again made an enemy of a tower mage the one person that could detect my and perceive my true form. Though I have admitted to a few I am indeed an ogre.

The towers tried to hunt me down and kill me. I could have changed to a new form, assumed a new identity as an elf, human or kender. However, I chose to escape the world with old members of grandmother’s now defunct guild in Sigil. The towers anger me. It was the Irda, my own ancestors, that gave and taught humans magic. In those times members of my tribe found that all that can use magic should be free to do so. The Irdanaiath explains it all. I have my own copy and read it every now and again to remind myself where my ancestry truly comes from: Krynn, not Toril where I was born.

I will be careful around this wizardess. She is a fanatic of the towers. She has no place in my heart. I start to understand Diviner’s attitudes toward other races, though it is untrue. Fanatics always tear apart what is built just as the towers destroyed so many of good heart through the ages with their fanaticism.
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Brath gets home and spends several months just lounging around and reading. He makes sure that he keeps the place ‘at least relatively clean.’ Being the last time, he came back there were a couple of notes left for him.

He takes them out after he’s ready to get serious about writing and reads them again.

Dear Brath.

If you don’t clean up this place before I come back next time, I’ll turn you into a snail and let you live out the rest of your miserable life in a terrarium.


Looks like his mother Sierra or Fawn as she is known by stopped by between missions. He sighs then looks at the other note.

Hey Bro,

You know, Mom. She means it!


Seems his brother stopped by too. Maybe he can blame the whole thing on Martin………. Somehow, he knows that’s not going to fly. He crumbles up the notes and throws them at the trash can. One misses and rolls into a corner. “Well, I can get that later.” He says to no one in particular. He sets himself down and starts to write.

It’s been a long time since I’ve written about Sigil in my personal journal where I have decided to take my vacations. I’ve added the Athar, Godsman and Believers of the Source to my main work. The Athar I talked to was Pervect…. I mean Perfect Yasuko. She’s an abrasive broad that comes from a society like my Auntie Seryne married into. Auntie Seryne is the second wife to a samurai lord called Most Honorable Kioshi Fellmirr and his first wife is Honorable Miwa Duskmere. They have a society similar to Wa or Kozakura. All of them are all suck up and into their titles.

Still, I think Perfect Yasuko did the best lecture and interview. It was pleasant. Well at least she was pleasant when I interviewed her. That was good. She’s obviously a complete and total fanatic but that’s what factums or fractals are. They embody the philosophy, so they are mostly completely insane. My theory still holds.

Adventurers are all completely insane from too many blows to the head, and other things. I use my mother and father as prime examples.

The interview with the Sensate was much more pleasant. I got this lecture from Sunyata. She has a bunch of different names for her depending on what your relationship is. Must be a cultural thing or a bunch of nicknames. She was very pleasant, and I felt from her a natural sort of shyness. I think shes a nice girl but no one I would want to date. Besides, she is human. And although I don’t think of humans or other races as lower than us, my brother reminded me that having children with a human would be mostly disastrous. How father is still alive after all these centuries is a mystery, but he is still alive and looks fairly young like in his 40s Mon and Dad would never tell us just how.

The point is if I did have children with a human she would die of old age before our children are in their late teens. It would not be fair to her. So, I’ve thrown the whole of the idea away. My mind is wondering again time to get back on track.

My last lecture was with a Godsman by the name of Waltz. Also, very pleasant but we did it in the fulcrum and Waltz got interrupted and lost his focus. Strange because he is a modron. The lecture and interview were much, much shorter than the others. Still, he did get the point across, so I added it to the whole.

Who do I have left now?

1. Xaositects
2. Transcendental Order
3. The Free league
4. The Fated
5. The Bleak Cabal
6. The Dustmen

The Dustmen have threatened my life several times over this very book I’m putting together. I am starting to have serious doubts about putting them in at all and just having the Indeps take their place. I do not care what philosophy you have if you threaten my life, I’m going to have serious doubts about doing an interview unless I’m surrounded by an armed guard that’s ready to do harm on a moment's notice. Still, I have not decided yet so may or may not try to get an interview.

I also had a lecture on the Plane of shadow. The woman who did it only laid out a few points about it. It was still a nice general lecture about specific things about the plane. I did not know much about them but then again, I never really knew much about the plane of shadow. It’s well it’s icky and I still haven’t changed my mind about that even after the lecture and even going there a time or two on the island of Thain.

I spent most of my time the last two times at Sigil picking up a bunch of coin helping people on a few runs. Runs are where all the insane, masochistic adventurers ply their trade destroying monsters and evil things from the face of the multiverse.

I also avoided Alyce as much as possible. The more I got to know here the more I found out she knows nothing about the harmony she speaks of which gives me grave reservations about the Harmoniums as a whole. In a true harmony you put your voice to the chorus to harmonize with them. Her idea of harmony is that she throws her voice with her own song and expects everyone in the chorus to follow her. She has caused more disharmony than anyone else at the fulcrum along with this silly fight between her and Elan. I wish they would find a way to make up and be civil with each other but alas I do not see it coming in the near future at least.

I also worry about a friend I have there by the name of Mavari. She’s a nice girl but has deep troubles. She smiles and tells everyone that she is fine, but she is not. I wish I could help her but until she opens up to me. I feel I can do nothing, and I will not pry. I have sat and listened to her about some of her pain and I will continue to do that. She’s a shifter and something of a satyr or like a satyr. I’m not sure. She has hooves for feet and goat horns sprouting from her head………But you know. She is a shifter so it could be just her preferred form as my preferred form is human when I’m away from home.

In between my last two visits there was a form of revolution started by some cult in the hive. It was quite brutal from what I have heard. A cult got its claws into several thousand citizens of the hive, and they attacked everyone. Some adventurers died defending the fulcrum. Others just barely made it. The cult left an obelisk somewhere and only faction members can study it. It seems to be some form of powerful artifact. I’m sure I could help but will remain factionless until my book is complete. That way I will be completely unbiased.

I do know several that I will not join under any circumstances though I will keep that in my own head and not put it to paper. As of now the Fraternity or indeps seem to fit me best. We will see I still have many Factions to go.

Oh, one footnote. I did try to interview and get a lecture from the Xaoitects. It went as well as expected. The lecture is almost completely non-sensical to me though it may not be to someone who would align themselves with the Xaoitects. That puts me in a bit of a crux. I will say this. I love when any of them come to the fulcrum. They add a little spice of life into the mix and discussions there. Though living with one would be………well quite the chore.

I did not do much else except talk and try to help people as I always do. I did lose my notes on the questions in the plane of shadow lecture. So, I had little to write to paper being I forgot any of the questions that were proposed and where answered. Damit Brath, your bad habits struck again. Well off to this next lost legend of Toril I am working on here. So much research, so little time.
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Re: Brath Vail

Post by Winterhawk99 »

Brath comes back home and spends several centuries studying. He decides to go fishing one day. So brings his journal with him and a nice chair to the pond. He throws a line in and relaxes.

As he sets his pole on the side in a rest he opens the small tome.

I have not written in my journal after going several times to Sigil so I will now with some minor experiences. I had the Sign of one interview with Dionysias. He would not do one unless I drank with him. I begrudgingly did. He was surprised that I had never had alcohol before. It made me feel dizzy and then well I am not sure. I know after a while the drink made me very tired, and I slept. It turned out to be one of the best faction interviews so worth it though I do not think I will be drinking again. I hear it is much like addiction for magic or magical psychosis on the astral plane.

The other incident was Shun the yaun-ti came to me needing help for the children of the hive. I tend to be especially nice to him being he tells me I am his perfect prey…. At least my human form is. That and he is a tax collector in Sigil and it’s good to just help him when needed even though I do have a permit now for teleportation. So, I gathered a group.

There was a woman in the group by the name of Natalia, another woman a nice girl by the name of Marvari and a paladin by the name of Heinrich. We ended up going to the plane of water. There we caught giant crab and crocodiles in a swamp. While in the swamp we were attack by nymphs and giant shambling mound-like creatures. I had used most of my protective spells on the group before. Still, I had my countering spells.

I made one very obvious mistake that I will need to correct in the future. I cast a wall of dispel magic too close to my own friends and for some all their shields went down. I then started casting dispels, greater dispels and breaches so the nymph’s shields would drop and in fact one nymph’s acid shield readily fell to my magic though she was pissed and came after me for it.

The bigger problem though is a zombie was summoned to the field. I was so busy bringing shields down I did not see who was doing what. Natalia had called a Demon to assist her. It may have summoned the undead. I am not sure. Heinrich the paladin though blamed her for summoning the undead several times and even attacked her.

You should never attack someone in your own group. I question the paladin’s worthiness for his station however I must also condemn anyone who may have summoned the undead. It was stupid to do in the presence of a paladin. Natalia denies it but I did have a talk with her about it. I also wanted to talk with Heinrich, but he left in a huff. Perhaps another time then.

Two large cats come up to him while he’s sitting. He gets up and follows them to the woods surrounding the island earth mote to find an elf treed by several of the island’s protector cats. Brath looks up. “Looks like you’re in a bit of trouble there. need a hand?”

The elf looks at Brath, “Who the hell are you, what are you? and where the hell am I?”

Brath smirks, “First of all you’re on an island created by my grandmother and grandfather for the family. I’m Brath and since my parents are out adventuring, I’m sort of its caretaker. This is a private island. As far as what I am……. Well, I’m an Ogre. A bit of a different kind of Ogre than what you are probably use too.

“Ogre……. I thought you were some out of place god or something?”

“We do have that effect when some people see us. What are you doing here?”

“Looking for a friend that got a bit touched, mage went crazy and well he’s in trouble now.”

“Magic psychosis?”

“Yes, I think that’s what you call it.”

Brath nods, “Where is home?”

“The Swallowed City of course.”

“Right.” Brath makes the signs for the cats to back off. “Well, you can’t stay here, and your friend is definitely not here.”

“I know he passed this way.”

Alright I’m writing at the pond now you come with me. Do you have a potion of restoration for your friend?”

“Ah, haven’t thought that far yet.”

“Of course. I’ll feed you, give you a meal then you need to leave.”

“Right ok, You’re the master here?”

“For now, yes, don’t get any ideas. I’m both mage and sorcerer and here I can use Irda magic, which is much more powerful than what you know, understand?”

“…er what’s Irda.”

“It means High Ogre magic.”

“Right… I’ll just follow you, so these cats don’t tear me apart.”

“Well, you’re at least smart.”

“Hey, is that a planes walker badge?”

“Yes, now come along. Please.” Brath takes him to his fishing spot and has him sit. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. The cats will make sure you stay put…?


“Right, Eowyn.” Brath goes into the house and comes back with several lettuce, tomato and onion sandwiches. He keeps one for himself and gives 3 to the elf. “The other two are for your journey.” He then pulls a bottle that can be squeezed. “A potion of restoration for your friend. You’ll either have to trick him into using it or force him to… Tell him it’s a mana potion. That may work.”

The elf takes the sandwiches and opens one up eating it and looking at the lake while sitting on the ground. Brath sits back down, picks up his journal and leans back in the chair. The elf looks at the pole. “How many have you caught?”

“Oh, None. Just practice there are not fish in the lake right now.”

“Err, then why are you fishing?”

“Good question. Well, you see I’m a master fisherman on two worlds and wrote books about fishing. Having a pole next to me is comforting. It helps me relax so I can write.”

“Ok, but what happened to the fish.”

Ah well that’s a story want to hear it?”

The elf looks at the waterfall then over the pond again. “Sure.”

“There used to be many fish here but now there are none. You see. One day there was a fish a little smarter than the others. He was also a very flashy fish, and all the lady fish wanted to choose him to spread his seed on their eggs.

All the girls swooned when he swam by, and all the male fishes looked up to him. One day he got an idea that the pond was just too small and there would be a better one downstream. So, he used his influence to gather all his admiring fans. All the fish in the pond came over as he spoke to them.

“The pond is too small for all of us fish and our offspring. I say we go downstream. There must be another pond even bigger there.” He said to them all.

Some of the other fish seemed to disagree. They said to him, “It is perfect here. The water is the perfectly cool. The rain is steady. The food is plentiful. There is no need for us to leave.”

The Flashy fish then said. All these things are true for now. But what of our missing that go too close to the surface. What of our children that will clutter the pond with their numbers so there will be no more food.” He stood on his stump and talked and talked to all the other fish for hours. Eventually they all decided to go with him downstream. Even those that opposed it because they did not want to be left all alone missing their friends.

The flashy fish gathered them up and took off where the water flowed. He found a deep stream there with clear water and moss-covered rocks on the bottom. He swam and he swam all-round the island. The water never became too shallow or too stale to breath.

After many miles he heard a gurgle. The flashy fish looked back to the other. “Hear that gurgle. That must be the entrance to the next pond. It will be bigger and have an abundance of food and soft places to bed at the bottom I just know it. He swam even faster. All the other fish following along.

The gurgle became a roar. Some of the other fishes became frightened. They called for the flashy fish to stop. The flashy fish with the end near in his mind said to them, “It is but the deep roar of a small waterfall going into the next pond I just know it. He swam even faster, and the other fish followed. After all, was he not the smartest and prettiest fish of them all?

The roar grew louder and the current quicker. So quickly that none of the fish could turn around and swim back for the current would take them anyway. As the sound became unbearable the flashy fish leaped out of the water. What he saw was strange. The water fell off the cliff of the earth mote into nothingness.

He and all the other fish fell until they hit the nothingness around the mote. The water spray got finer and finer and the only water they could breathe enveloped them in a fine layer. They used that water quickly and all died of suffocation within minutes as they used the last of the breathable liquid. And that my friend is the story of this lake and its fish.”

Brath sees the elf has eaten all of his sandwich. “I guess it's time for you to go now. Good luck with your friend. Just walk to the edge of the island and jump off. You’ll fall until your outside our gravity field and can go about your business.”

The elf looks around, “Right and I’m guessing the cats will make sure of it.”

“They are very efficient as all cats are. These ones don’t like to play with their food.”

“Right well thanks, Brath. Never thought an ogre would lend a hand. If that’s what you are.”

“Like I said, I’m a very different kind. Unfortunately, there are so few of us left. We may be extinct in a few generations; Hell I may even be the last generation. But that’s the way of the verse. The old die and the new arise. Good fortune Eowyn, and goodbye.”

“Goodbye Brath, and good fortunes, Thanks for the help.”

The Elf stands and walks away. Brath watches several big cats follow him. He looks out over the pond for a second and His line goes taunt. He smiles, “It seems I didn’t tell Eowyn the rest of the story. That the new generation of fish were laying in the lake ready to hatch after the fish all committed suicide following a dumbass. It seems the next generation survived after all.”
CTP team member
Chief cook and bottle washer for Harvest Moon

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